Reviews for Complex Simplicity
KELS B chapter 3 . 10/27/2015
Great story!
Animegod 197 chapter 3 . 6/29/2008
Very sweet story. Keep up the good work.
RebornRose1992 chapter 3 . 3/23/2006
Kitten Kisses chapter 3 . 2/18/2006
"Leave me be. Can't you see that I'm hurting?"

Those words are almost personal to me! My first and only (now ex) boyfriend continually talked to me, even after we broke up. I wish I would have had those words a year ago, because they would have helped out a lot. I can understand how Rain feels, almost. A broken heart is something that needs time to mend, and having Domon around her constantly when she's trying to mentally heal, isn't something she really needs.

A nice ending, too. Really! I liked the dialogue a lot; Domon was a little OOC, but he's really hard to keep IC without making him seem like a jerk, anyway. Good work on this!
Kitten Kisses chapter 2 . 2/18/2006
Beautiful! The drama was done so well, and I love how descriptive you write! _
Kitten Kisses chapter 1 . 2/18/2006
Did you know that you have Anonymous Reviews disabled? You can change that in your profile, if you didn't know that already.

Anyway, for your first G Gundam fiction, it's really good! I only recently began to rewatch the series, and I haven't gotten very far, yet. I felt like runnin' on over here to FFnet to see if there were any good fics...and I found yours! I think this came out rather well, myself. The writing is great (only a few mistakes in there), and the way you write is unique, but beautiful.

Drama and angst are my favorite things to read about. Especially if they end romancy!

Thank you for posting this for us to read!

SporkGoddess chapter 3 . 9/16/2005
Ahh, one of my favorite G Gundam subjects to write about! I remember when I saw ep 39 I didn't have ep 40 at the time... you should never watch ep 39 without following it up or you'll hate Domon so much. Anyway, great job! Your writing has a unique flair to it (I never would have used the verb "bob" to go with hair) but it works very well for you so keep it up. I hope to see more from you, this section needs something to perk it back up!
Valese chapter 3 . 8/30/2005
aw chibi domons, how could i resist? (that and ur bday review hehe) i cnt believe this is done! it was adorable! i luvd how it revolved around their emotions. sometimes i accidentally put in some action, and it takes away from the deep feelings involved. this is was very good and i luvd it! yay! good job! keep up the good work! i hope to see another fic out soon! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! hehe
Lady Naeva chapter 3 . 8/25/2005
OMG I LOVE THIS SONG "You belong to me" I LOVE IT SO MUCH! It's sucha beautiful song to end this fic with. BTW I love how you ended it.
Apathetic Empath2 chapter 3 . 8/25/2005
Another one of the G Gundam classics. Seriously. When new fans of the series come to this site looking for a really good fic about Domon and Rain to read, this will be one of them. (I dunno about anyone else, but I have like, a mental list of awesome D/R fics that all newbies to the G Gundam page should read, and Complex Simplicity is the newest on on that list).

I've been MIA for a few weeks, but this fic is just what I needed to get me back in gear with both reading, and in writing. I thought this was a bit too fluffy towards the end but still, what can I say? It was awesome. You did a really good job writing this, and I seriously hope you write some more stuff for the G Gundam series.

I'm going to work on my own fic now. lol.

Apathetic Empath2 chapter 2 . 8/25/2005
Beautiful. For starters, I love this song. Seether and Amy Lee did an excellent job with it, and I just thought it fit really well with what you were writing.

The eotion in this felt so real, and I loved how Rain was just waiting and listening to the person walk through her room, and then how she was about to fall from the railing. Of course, I knew Domon was gonna save her (that's his job lol), but still, the drama was awesome.

I'm not real big on pointless fluff, but fluff that comes out of an angsty situation... I love it. So when Domon was holding Rain after he caught her... -sighs dreamily- Really good job with that part. (especially with how he was smelling her hair... lol).

I thought that you had a bit too many breaks in this, but otherwise thought it was magnificent. This was really great, especially for it to be your first.

Forlorn Rain chapter 3 . 8/25/2005
Hey again! What a cute little story. You did an excellent job. I love the descriptions, and the way you put the little things they were thinking in Italics. That gave it more of a "wow." Awesome work!
Apathetic Empath2 chapter 1 . 8/25/2005
Oh my God... Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God...

I've been complaining over the lack of quality G Gundam fics for probably months now and oh my God, here you are, giving us this-this materpiece!

-bows down to YOUR greatness- You. Are. Awesome. Seriously.

For starters, for this to be your first G Gundam fic, I have to say that it is REALLY well written. You have a good understanding for the characters and their emotions. You wrote about a really emotional episode (I was practically screaming when I watched it), and you did justice by it. I found it a little strange that the series didn't go into what happened after the fight with Andrew was over, and me, being the ever angst fan that I am, can SO see this happening.

I'm still in like awe right now from this, so I can't really think straight enough to give you a proper review, but I just hope I can get this across to you: this fic is awesome. I know I'm only on the first chapter but still, you did a great job with it, and I can't wait to read the rest.

And Neo Canada's Gundam fighter's name IS Andrew :)

Fantastic work!

Jen23 chapter 3 . 8/25/2005
I knew there was a reason I wanted to go into work later this morning! I was very pleased to see this update. Emotions! Emotions! Emotions! - My favorite thing to read and that you write so very well. And though I'm not the best at grammar, once again you have a very well written chapter here, and I really hated to see this story end. You made me love fanfiction even more. You wrote what we wanted to see - Domon finally 'saying' how he felt earlier in the series, instead of us having to wait till the end. Thanks! We knew he had been crazy about her for so long, especially when he freaked out in that episode and was ready to offer his gundam's head. I enjoyed reading him reasoning with himself on what he should do. Him thinking - "Don't leave me Rain" was simply beautiful. That dummy knows he needs her so badly and that he can't make it ever again without her since he got her back after all those years they were apart. When Rain said, "And they never end..." - great line there. She made a good point, and at first I was worried she'd push him out of the building to down below-lol! But really, she stuck with him through a lot. And I nearly fell off my chair when she told him to leave. Awesome! But he finally used his brain and stopped running away; like you said. You really know these characters. And that kiss had to be the sweetest one I have ever read. I loved how he looked into her eyes as he pulled away.

Thank you so much for the dedication. That was so nice of you, and I appreicate it so very much. It makes it even more worth it for me to keep coming back to this site when I need a break from real life. When college doesn't have you too extremely busy, please write more. I love getting lost in your writing abilities. Again - I think you did a great job.
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