Reviews for Of All Possible Worlds
Guest chapter 9 . 9/5/2018
Damn this is good! I like Sesshomaru and Kagome's two new companions - Nightingale and Soshiro. Ugh can't believe it's abandoned! I hope you come back to finish this some day...
The Lady Ayla chapter 9 . 12/25/2017
Wow this had so much potential... Such a shame that it was abandoned :(
Mikky chapter 9 . 7/5/2016
Nice plot, oc's well developed, really good pace and writing.
As I can gather from the last time it was updated, this story is either on hold or discontinued. I hope for the first, because it means it will be completed.

In hopes of hearing more about this story
saashi samy chapter 1 . 11/16/2015
suena interesante, me gusta
Ahryielle chapter 9 . 7/16/2014
i remember this story... to bad its discontinued (-_-) *sigh*
Kallen21 chapter 9 . 4/25/2014
I love it and the cat
DANIEERU chapter 9 . 2/16/2014
Awww man...You can't leave me hanging! This is a really good story. I know it's been over 7 years but I hope you come back and finish!
Soten-ni-zase chapter 3 . 9/16/2012
So I started reading this awhile ago bot stopped after the first couple I had to re-read them before reading this one but I'm glad I did.

Now onward to the rest of the chapters
Sakura-chan88 chapter 9 . 8/27/2011
Just dropping in a friendly word. I do truly miss reading your stories, and writing my own, so I've picked things back up. I'm really hoping that someday you do the same as well!

Hope these past 5 years have treated you well!

Kamiki chapter 9 . 12/23/2010
I just found this story and it is amazing! I know it's been a long time since you've updated (and you probably won't) but I've enjoyed immensely the chapters you have put up.

If you ever get the itch to finish this (and I hope you do!) I will be incredibly happy :)
TsukiyoTenshi chapter 9 . 12/6/2009
asdf chapter 9 . 10/6/2009
This is a good fic with a very unusual, (and unique) story line. At times I feel a little bogged down with all the OC's, and the constant switching of POV's bothers me, but overall I really enjoy this and was disappointed to see it incomplete. One thing I have to say is this: I felt Kagome's characterization was a little flat. I mean, Sessomaru told her in chapter 3 offhandedly, that Inuyasha mated Kikyou two years after she, Kagome, disappeared. Yet we got NO reaction whatsoever from her. How would it feel to know that in the end, he STILL chose Kikyou? The man that she loved with the woman who had condemned her to such a lonely state? But we get no exploration of her feelings, all we get are flashbacks of 'happier' times with Inuyasha.
Malfoy's Kitten chapter 1 . 10/3/2009
love it
SilverFox212 chapter 9 . 4/26/2008
An excellent story and slightly shocking at Chapter 9. Good job and even though it hasn't been updated in near two years, hopefully you find the chance to update it. Looking forward to it if you do.
skabs chapter 9 . 2/24/2008
please update! PLEASE?

i like the details in your story, like in the second chapter when you gave that snapshot of the cop who was gaurding the site? i was repulsed, it was truly disgusting and i could almost smell his icky breath. and in this last chapter when you gave kiri an earring and causually showed where kagomes paper had gone? i loved that. so update! i wanna see what he does with it!
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