Reviews for A Love Story
theArchivist chapter 1 . 5/5/2015
The implications of Atemu/Yami's and Seto's death are so depressing. So you know what I think? They got stormwrecked in the Bermuda and sent to the past. In the Mediterranean, maybe Egypt. And got into all sorts of magic and supernatural mayhem with the Pharaoh and the Priests of the time. I can imagine poor Seto (called Set because Egyptians get his name wrong) trying to beat the whole magic thing with cut-throat business tactics and watching over his love, and Atemu/Yami having the best of times seeing the past (and magic) come to life. Oh, and the Priest Mahado (their 'nanny'/bodyguard) banging his head on the wall because of the shenanigans the strange couple get into (like the time Atemu was dressed as the Pharaoh, and Seto as the High Priest, etc.)...I'm sorry, the plot bunny just got to me.
Atem no koibito chapter 1 . 6/7/2013
*sob sob* this is so depressing! No I'm sad... :'(
I love the story. Wonder what happened to Yami and Seto.. Sad.. But great.
Ruby of Raven chapter 1 . 5/12/2012
So... Are they dead?

The world may never know!

But, hey, good for Malik! He found his love. ;)
YourThirstyAce chapter 1 . 12/14/2010
Please, please don't let them be dead! Nooo, I love them too much for them to die!
C24 and G36 chapter 1 . 11/1/2010
r atem & seto alive or dead the ending confused me a bit sorry good story though
DrewMayShipper chapter 1 . 7/21/2009
Oh, that was adorable...I especially loved the bits with Bakura and Malik! I also loved the idea of backtracking through Seto and Yami's lives through other people's eyes while trying to get the big picture. It's refreshing and quite fun to read. I do hope Seto and Yami didn't die though (even though the ending seems like it to me)...they were so young and in love! xD Either way, it was a blast reading this :D
FreshFish chapter 1 . 6/14/2008
That was just priceless. I don't think I could have daydreamed a better romance fic.
Minasantaria chapter 1 . 8/19/2007
That was so sad! But wait I'm confused did they die? or something else? If they did die how? Was it Bakura's bubble theory? I don't get. No matter how sad that story was I'm very confused.
kittylove chapter 1 . 10/19/2006
I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YAMI AND SETO! I think that you should write more to this story, it doesn't seem like a one-shot kind of story.
Phoenix From The Ashes chapter 1 . 8/4/2006
aw *sniff sniff* that was so sad at the end when you find out that they DID die!

hang on a m,oment call me stupid but they DID die didn't they 'cause i'm confuzzled.

did seto mean that in a literal way or what?

either way good story but not a lot of action in it!
Yaoi Fan Chick chapter 1 . 6/20/2006
And I saw that ending coming. I DID. It's a little sad...but at least they died and stayed the way they were. They did die right? 'Cause that's the vibe I'm getting. Kinda cool!
tsuhiyo chapter 1 . 5/26/2006
Holy Ra! That was like one of the saddest story that I've read! *mentally cries* So they really died? *mentally whimpers*

At least they'd enjoy themselves in heaven, right? RIGHT? Right...FAV!
yamirachan chapter 1 . 11/8/2005
beautiful... *starts to cry*
Sugarmoe chapter 1 . 10/6/2005
This was such a sad story...It's so beautiful...I gotta get a boyfriend! Hmmf *continues to mumble* dammit...anyway, like I said, this was a beautiful fic and I loved the ending 'cause it wasn't corny at all! I love how Malik came back with the pizza and how you've left the ending open for anything (although I know they're most likely dead *sighs sadly*), I gotta get a life *mumbles about having no boyfriend again*...anyway...Love the fic!
Desidera chapter 1 . 8/27/2005
Wow, this was very cool! I liked that you never really found out about Atemu and Seto, but that their story led to Malik finally finding someone he loved! Great plot idea! I loved Malik's talk with Isis *gg*

Isono was great! And I really liked Anzu in this.
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