Reviews for To the Victor come the spoils
Kalee chapter 22 . 7/13/2006
This has been a wonderful, thought out story. However, unless you finish it and tie up all the loose ends (e.g. what did Victor say to the kidnapper to mess up the exchange and the ramifications of what Martin thinks about himself based on his earlier kidnapping as well as this one), this story will not be able to be considered as satisfactory. You said yourself back in February that there is only one more chapter to go. Please, please write it.
saturn567 chapter 22 . 2/22/2006
great update!
Drakcir chapter 22 . 2/22/2006
Well, it took you long enough to update!

I had a horrible feeling you'd forgotten about it again.

What did Victor say to Jameson that caused him to flip?

Please don't say that we'll have to wait a week to find out!

Update soon, and watch your typing, there were a couple of typos, namely 'Michael Jameson' turning into 'Martin Jameson'.
val chapter 22 . 2/22/2006
very very good and i'll hope that you go on with sequel ?
HBfan26 chapter 22 . 2/22/2006
Thanks for your review. Yes, Martin and Danny will talk in the next chapter...

TheNaggingCube chapter 22 . 2/22/2006
Oh wow... intense and OMG! JACK! what the heck were you thinking cuffing Victor.

Sam has a date? Where was Danny? Will Martin tell the team everything?

His little sister... will they talk about what got said?
Mouse In The Corner chapter 22 . 2/22/2006
OK... So... :)

Yeah... SHOWDOWN ... :)

OK JK, but anyway, it's a good story.
Ayako Kadori chapter 20 . 2/21/2006
Aw, poor Martin. This story is great, and excellently written. Great job.
kalee chapter 20 . 2/17/2006
You're killing me here. This story is so involving with all sorts of twisting details. When you have Martin acknowledge that something had died within him causing him to turn into "the cold detached overachiever", it broke my heart. Please, please update again.
TheNaggingCube chapter 20 . 2/12/2006
OH Damn...
Ericka Jane chapter 20 . 2/12/2006
Ah so short! Update soon please!
ladc chapter 20 . 2/12/2006
A break from the action, but it certainly was powerful. Poor Martin.
rabbitmonkey chapter 20 . 2/12/2006
Okay, i feel sad for reviewing AGAIN, but wow!

That was an amazing chapter, really heartbreaking.

Aw man, you made me cry.
rabbitmonkey chapter 19 . 2/12/2006
Two reviews in two days? That's how good this is! I want to know what happened to Viv and Sam though! Why must you keep us hanging!

Great story, I LOVE IT!
ladc chapter 19 . 2/11/2006
And miracles do happen, right? At least in fanfiction or, at least, I hope they do in your stories.
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