Reviews for Worth Fighting For
mightyqueer chapter 4 . 8/9/2018
Thank god their parents were accepting of them. I flipped out when Charlene called Raven's parents.
mightyqueer chapter 3 . 8/8/2018
Oh god, this one made so nervous. This all feels so familiar, my heart is literally pounding :(
SinginPrincess chapter 35 . 10/30/2017
Ray and Charlie forever lol
Thank you for writing and sharing this story. I got really invested. I liked that their parents struggled, it felt real.
Raven and Chelsea are such wonderful characters and you handled them with such care. They love each other so much! Also, Eddie was great, as were some of the other characters. I really hated the bullies lol (I mean duh). Anyways, thanks for the great read :)
SinginPrincess chapter 33 . 10/29/2017
Ben is so sweet. I love his relationship with Chelsea.
And the surprise was nice. Loved Chelsea being embarrassed when her mom came into the room lol.
SinginPrincess chapter 31 . 10/29/2017
The drama in this fic... I can’t. Poor Chelsea. I’m glad everyone’s okay. That moment with Chester was unexpected and lovely.
SinginPrincess chapter 29 . 10/29/2017
That was intense. Dammit, Michael, you could’ve stopped your stupid friends.
SinginPrincess chapter 24 . 10/29/2017
I do like that you haven’t made it easy with the parents. But gahhh Victor, watch your mouth you idiot -_-

Also, I have to admit that while I understand why people were upset with Chels, especially Rae’s parents, I don’t really understand the need for Chelsea to “change.” She was just scared, and rightfully so. I know she hurt Rae but they’ve been besties forever. Idk. Still, love this story. Full of emotion and love.
SinginPrincess chapter 21 . 10/29/2017
This chapter omg I can’t. How beautiful!
SinginPrincess chapter 20 . 10/29/2017
Aw, Chelsea. You romantic dork. I’m glad things are starting to get better for them both :)
SinginPrincess chapter 16 . 10/29/2017
I was gonna wait until the end to comment but you’re making me emotional. I feel bad for Raven and even Michael but when will people stop villainizing my sweet angel Chelsea for being afraid? Ben is so sweet, I’m so glad she has someone on her side. I miss my girls being happy :( A good fic so far, thank you!
Hayden chapter 35 . 7/22/2017
This fanfic was awesome! I was hooked to the end. Made me start hardcore shipping chrave lol. Just gotta say you're an amazing writer; I felt like I was in the story. Not a lot of writers do that for me. So thanks for writing this, I strongly enjoyed it and hope you will do more writing in the future.
AlBalCabal chapter 35 . 10/11/2014

I loved this. It felt so real. I cried multiple times. I felt happy when Raven and Chelsea and everybody felt happy. I felt their sadness. I felt so tense about everything evolving Rocky and his gang. I was capture by this.

I felt so bad when Chelsea told Raven they needed a break. I wanted them to just love each other and be happy. I felt so bad when Tanya got mad at Chelsea, but I understood how real and natural everything was. You made everyone feel so good and real. Tanya did exactly what a mother would do. That's awesome. That stood out to me. I think I felt most tense/sadness there, but it's close between Chelsea almost dying and just everything with Rocky. I was so afraid for everybody involved.

I loved seeing Ben in this. That was awesome.

This entire story was a long, heart pulling read. It's an awesome, awesome piece of Raven & Chelsea work and of writing in general. The little things and the big things got me. The sky writers spelling the names wrong were hilarious. The scenes with Bianca were interesting. I liked that she approved, not that they needed approval, but it was her way of being nice, I think, and that good.

Anyways, great work. Loved it!

Chelsea & Raven 3
ccLozado chapter 35 . 8/4/2014
I spent the whole day reading your three installments. I can't believe you wrote this story back in 2005 and I'm reading it just now. 2014. Wow, this story is now actually 9 years old!

Anyway, to be honest I was actually rooting for Chelsea and Michael. Is that weird? I love Raven and Chelsea but somehow I also saw chemistry between Chels and Mike. I was actually hoping that when Rocky yelled at Mike to catch Chelsea, Mike would be like "Oh screw this, I can't let this happen." and he would help Chels get away from Rocky instead.

Of course, I loved how you ended the story. The Raven loves Charlie part was hilarious. I'm sad that it ended there though. I was wondering what happened to Mike after the interrogation.

Oh well, I really loved your work. I also laughed at the "Justice! You get it?" part in the Author's note in the previous chapter by the way.

Ciao. I'm off to read your other stories now! :)
ShadowCub chapter 35 . 2/1/2014
Great story.
Kryzdrei Gonzaga chapter 1 . 1/13/2010
one of the most awesome stories that I've ever read...

so awesome...

I just don't know what to say...

please make another one...


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