Reviews for The Possibility of Friendship
gabelou1991 chapter 17 . 12/25/2016
JayeMaru chapter 17 . 9/22/2015
This is an engrossing, enjoyable story with a novel plot. Even at the point when I had a decent guess at who the villain(s) might be, I wanted to keep reading to find out more. Unexpected and delightful . I liked how Lydia becam "real" through the story. Thanks to the author who wrote and shared this little gem.
Rebel Goddess chapter 17 . 2/22/2005
I loved it. The end with Joyce was just so sad. I love the idea of all those things Spike had to go through only to feel he'd failed at the end. Great story. I definitely want to read the sequel. Lydia was really good too. Highly enjoyable.
liliaeth chapter 17 . 5/30/2003
I really liked this story and how you managed to fit it into continuity, thanks for it.
Jessica chapter 17 . 9/13/2001
Hi, loved the story, let me now when the sequal is up, Im doing my own with a friend, its I guess a PWP story, seems like one big soap opera actually, o well Im enjoying writing it, ans so is my partner so I guess we'll eep at it.
Dana13 chapter 17 . 7/3/2001
wow, that was really good, i cant wait for the sequel to some out, great job
Fleisch chapter 17 . 6/30/2001
Absolutely super. I loved the way you made it fit in between the episodes. And your Anya and Buffy dialogue is fantastic.
Wildcard186 chapter 17 . 6/7/2001
Yay! Sequel! Greatness! Loved the story! And I'm looking forward to reading the next one. This time I'll try to check the Buffy Section more often *g* Kudos!
Wildcard186 chapter 15 . 6/7/2001
Excellent twist!
Wildcard186 chapter 12 . 6/7/2001
Wow, I've been away a long time. And it looks like you finished the story. I'll review more as I keep reding, but it's still good as ever!
queenboadicea chapter 17 . 6/7/2001
You're a NEW author? Madam, I couldn't believe it. I'm a dedicated bibliophile and have been for years and I know a well-written tale when I've seen it. This one was moving, funny, thrilling, in-depth and, quite frankly, brilliant. It held me like a steel beam in a construction building-completely riveted. I spent most of the morning reading it when I should have been working. If this is what you're like as a new author, I wait with bated breath to see what you have planned for the future. Congratulations on a great beginning.
queenboadicea chapter 6 . 6/7/2001
Wow, talk about dropping bombshells! You not only begin your stories well you leave your readers with a hook that keeps them begging for more like the salivating dogs we are.:)
queenboadicea chapter 5 . 6/7/2001
I don't think it's necessary to repeat the spell of Amagandar in its entirety every time it's used. Only the first couple of lines should be necessary. In spite of a lack of what others would call "action," I find myself more and more intrigued by what's happening to Spike and how he individually is roping in each of Buffy's friends. Also it's apparent what a fan you are of the show since your characterisation of each person is dead on. I can't wait to see what happens next...
queenboadicea chapter 3 . 6/7/2001
What can I say? Only that this story keeps getting better and better. One minor cavil though: why would Buffy see SEVEN graves? Angel wouldn't need one after being staked, now would he?
queenboadicea chapter 2 . 6/7/2001
This is a very tightly-written and engrossing story right from the beginning. The story is fairly simple (as far as any story involving prophecies can be), you keep it focused between two people and you manage to keep the rapidly-shifting dynamics between them clear and plausible. The rendering of Spike's changing emotional state is particularly well done. Great so far.
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