Reviews for It's the Little Things
anon chapter 1 . 6/5/2018
this was pretty cool, I liked the progression of small moments through out the half blood prince
nayin17 chapter 1 . 8/26/2014
Loved it
JustValeP chapter 1 . 7/23/2014
Loved it, so sweet!
harryhermionerw chapter 1 . 7/22/2008
Very cute! I enjoyed this very much. )

Awesome job.
Owl Emporium chapter 1 . 2/29/2008
Oh, I loved this! Great, great job! :]
All Things Go chapter 1 . 2/15/2008
this was so good! i loved seeing what Ginny would have thought!
grumpy grizzly chapter 1 . 12/27/2007
This was great! I think you should write more of Ginny's perspective
witches with awesomeness chapter 1 . 1/7/2007
Love it!
siruisblack18 chapter 1 . 6/26/2006
Well I thought it was definetly an awesome story, and was funny. I hope you definetly keep writeing!
Dudette13 chapter 1 . 5/18/2006
Aw. That was so cute.

"After I called McLaggen every foul name I could think of, insulted his forefathers, made disparaging implications about his mother, instructed him as to where he could painfully insert large objects, and explained to him my opinion of his more sensitive bits and the future peril that awaited them, I started to head to the hospital wing to check on Harry. "

I was laughing so hard at this. At least five of the girls in my Science class were staring, but oh well. Great fic!
Premature Burial chapter 1 . 2/22/2006
Wow, this is GREAT! Luv it, luv it all.
Lilies in the pond of Doom chapter 1 . 1/5/2006
I like. ) Ginny is very in-character, and it's nice to see things from her point of view.
Machiavelli Jr chapter 1 . 10/7/2005
_whistles Faith Hill song_ Nice one; well-written, IC all round and thoroughly snarky. Perhaps Ginny was a little too quick on the uptake, but that's as may be, I enjoyed it so who cares. KUTGW.
Lukitene chapter 1 . 9/15/2005
Well, I must say I dont usually like stories in first person, but I really enjuyed yours!
OpalTears chapter 1 . 9/11/2005
omg! that was the best sweet, cute, funny, brilliant, lovely, heart-warming, hear-mealting, making-me-envious-of-Ginny-becasue-she-has-her-one-true-love stories i have ever read! the only thing you could have done to make this even better is to break it up a bit more. keep writing, you're a natural. :) if you don't mind, could you read and review my story Her Destiny? Thanks, it would make my day! :)

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