Reviews for Semper Fidelis
AgentKalGibbs chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
This made my emotions do the thing. :D
Tune4Toons chapter 1 . 4/12/2013
Though I'm not familiar with NCIS, this is a nice fic you have here. There's almost a semi-stream feel to this, though it has such a tired-day tone to it—in a way, it does enhance that atmosphere to the characters. Kate seems like an overworked type, and even Gibbs for example, he definitely fits the tossed-away-drunk composure you have going on, but you also brought all that tension in brilliantly; you can feel that fear in her. Though it does have me wondering what they're like on a daily basis as how you have them here, Kate seems to have quite a fear of Gibbs' inner demons (which it seems like he's had many), and yet is infatuated. (Though that is due to my fandom blindness.) And the way Gibbs repeats her full name, the last name thing, strikes me a bit oddly. It's chilling during the tension moments, but seems strange outside of those—probably just me.

Just watch the tenses, as it slips from present to past every so often, but overall, it's a really lovely fic you have here. Thanks for the read! Cheers!

flootzavut chapter 1 . 3/4/2013
"Kate, when I said to hold onto him," comes a kindly, rather amused voice: "I didn't mean it so literally."

That was so sweet and sooooo Ducky!

This actually made me well up. You're a wonderful writer!
moregoth chapter 1 . 1/1/2008
Wow, I think you really did a great work with the drunk Gibbs and I love your charcterisation of Ducky. Fantastic story!

Ps I agree of your opinion of Jane Eyre.
novasupernova chapter 1 . 12/13/2006
u r a genius
nova chapter 1 . 10/25/2006
Great writting, You are talented. love your writing
mj0621 chapter 1 . 5/22/2006
I love it...:) more kibbs...please?
Leasel P chapter 1 . 2/7/2006
hey this was a gr8 story. all of ur storys r. i have been reading a couple(sorry about not reveiwing all but im tired) and i love them all. i am definatly going to look out for that book.

kaleidoscopey chapter 1 . 12/30/2005
Excellent! I love this story. I mean, I could really imagine a drunken Gibbs and he and Kate become closer! It was wonderful! Thx :]
myself chapter 1 . 10/12/2005
Gak! Yay. Why is it that even though Jane Eyre is one of my favorite novels, I never connected the parallelism there? **sigh** 'Tis sad.

I liked this very much. I just checked your profile to see what other stories that you've written because I enjoyed this one so much, and realized that this is the fourth one I've read. I just didn't review the others. (Sorry.) I'm generally to lazy to review anything, but have been known to make exceptions for the stories that I really like.

I'm off to read more of your work now... _
Little Lunar Wolf chapter 1 . 9/20/2005
This fic was excellent for two reasons. Firstly because I really got to see a piece of Gibbs at one of his weakest moments, and secondly because I think I'm actually going to give "Jane Eyre" another go. I tried reading it once, got bored as all teenagers do, ran out of time and had to return it back to the library. *Sheepish grin*

Anyway I enjoyed that. Nice work!
Navy Babe chapter 1 . 9/18/2005
Lol, so I decided I had to log in to actually put this on my favs list...:P But it's still Sundance. Anyways! I really and truly *ADORE* this story, I think that it might have taken Sasparilla's place as my favourite. Which is a very difficult thing to say. :P LOVE IT MINDY! As I always do with your fics...:D
Christieanne-Anna chapter 1 . 9/17/2005
Great story
BubbleGumEcstasy chapter 1 . 9/17/2005
I love your story it is so.. human. That might sound weird but it's true. Keep writing.

~Lady Venya of the isle~
Skoyer chapter 1 . 9/17/2005
Just gerat. I love navy cis but unfortunately i can only find fanfics in the english language not in german but i am lucky for my 4 jears of english education so i can understand the whole story.

kee on writing my dear!

lg Skoyer
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