Reviews for Blood Breakdown
Guest chapter 4 . 7/15/2015
I believe it's shikaku
Alibi Nonsense chapter 3 . 6/30/2015
I'm so glad you mentioned peptides and stuff in this. We did addictions in Psychology class the next day, and I was like 'oh, isn't that peptides'? And they were like *blink*.
So, thank you. :)
Alibi Nonsense chapter 4 . 6/17/2015
It's awesome how you've handled this. I love the way it's so well stitched up, and it's addictive in itself. It makes sense too, and the science is comprehensive, but not patronising.
Also, that scene where Gaara cries squeezed my heart to bits.
Sabaku No Shiaki chapter 4 . 8/30/2013
Okay, Shikamaru's father's name is Shikaku and i really prefer it that way since i think it is really weird if you changed it but never mind, since you are the AUTHOR! anyway i really didn't want to sound like i'm angry or something but please update soon! i really really like this story! do you think you are going to update soon? please don't drop this story -if you know what i mean.
Guest chapter 4 . 2/11/2013
I love it! :))) I'm so hooked on SandSib Particularly Temari Gaara fics recently! xD

keep it up!
raquelicious chapter 3 . 7/15/2011
Shikamaru has the best scenes in this. It sort of lightens up the otherwise very tense mood.
raquelicious chapter 4 . 7/15/2011
His name is Shikaku, but I think the logic is sound in using Shikato. And anyway, since you've started that way, you might as well keep at it. And I googled Oxytocin before finding out that Shikato says what it is in the next chapter.
PricklyCacti chapter 4 . 3/17/2011
Hello Juno42,

I know that you probably are busy with your own life and school work whatever, but I just wanted to drop a line and say how much I love you and your two stories, currently I am in college studying Biology and Chemistry and that I was easily able to follow your explanation and found it quite ingenious. I really hope that you haven't given up on Blood Breakdown, but I understand that maybe that muse isn't there anymore. Anyway have a good day, keep writing c:

pride1289 chapter 3 . 11/8/2009


this FANFIC!

Why hasn't it updated since 05! What's WRONG with YOU! 8{

Anyways, what's Oxytocin?
Dark lady chapter 4 . 4/19/2008
That is sheer genius! Having Shukaku drug Gaara when ever he killed. I am truely hooked on this story so I hope you will update this gem soon.

Till then, ja ne -~
kit chapter 4 . 10/15/2007
pls i beg of u! do continue soon! your writing is very good with plenty of information! keep up the good writing and pls continue soon!
Lady Night Wind chapter 4 . 9/22/2007
Oh gods. Shukaku is still there, if Gaara falls asleap, racoon demon gets to run free! $)#!

I hope you update this soon, cause I will be on the edge of my seat to find out what happens.
Jakia chapter 4 . 9/21/2007
I'm loving this story. I like how you have Temari call on Shikamaru of all people-and the fact the he responds is cute. I can't wait for more.
Ruthaer chapter 4 . 9/8/2007
This fic is really good!I hope you will update , and in case you didn't know, Shikamaru's dad's name is so you know
Yuko6754 chapter 2 . 7/6/2007
A little OOC but...holy hell! Great story!

Gaara squinted at her until he recognized her, shut his eyes again. “Gneh,” he said.

“I need you to drink this," she pressed.

Closed his eyes and snorted. “Go ‘way.”

She expected this to be difficult. “Not ‘till you drink this.”

He tried a glare through bloodshot eyes. “Do you want me to kill you?” he rasped.

Temari gulped, suddenly remembering whom she was talking to. “No,” she said, voice trembling. “Do you?”


I'm sorry i keep showing you your OWN work. ; habit, you oculd say.

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