Reviews for A Dangerous Game
Amanda chapter 1 . 6/21/2016
I absolutely love your depiction of the girls! It's not every day you come across strong, independent and fierce female characters! I would love to be part of their gang...
Solaria Sunstone chapter 35 . 5/14/2016
Omg I loved this story so much! The end was pretty sad, but good nonetheless. Really enjoyed reading this.

Solaria Sunstone Xxx
Ninjawolf1313 chapter 1 . 4/12/2015
In the 40's they did not wear jeans.
Guest chapter 2 . 10/12/2013
Good intro. But I can't help being annoyed by your dialogue's. You should decide either British or American English to use and stick with it.
Forbidden Moons chapter 14 . 8/19/2013
Tom, good job!
Forbidden Moons chapter 12 . 8/19/2013
Oh... My... GODS!
JennLD chapter 35 . 7/15/2013
I love this story. Great job.
PadfootB chapter 6 . 2/15/2012
Your story is really good. I like how you made the girls rowdy instead of weak and what not like all other tom riddle fics, but you should know that Lucious Malfoy is not part of this era. It's supposed to be Abraxas :)
Xautumn-sunraeeX chapter 35 . 11/21/2011
I thought your ending was amazing and I even cried at it, I loved it when voldemort told Serena he loved her, I thought that part was beautiful. I loved this storey and I am said for it to end. I thought you deserved to be praised for your storey so that is why I am written this. I also like how well your storey entwined with the Harry Potter books because I find a lot of radiation doesn't make sense and that people completely change the storey but yours different and it is believable that this did happen to voldemort and her death is what tipped him over the edge. Thank you very much for a few evenings of enjoyable reading.
Xautumn-sunraeeX chapter 35 . 11/21/2011
I thought your ending was amazing and I even cried at it, I loved it when voldemort told Serena he loved her, I thought that part was beautiful. I loved this storey and I am said for it to end. I thought you deserved to be praised for your storey so that is why I am written this. I also like how well your storey entwined with the Harry Potter books because I find a lot of radiation doesn't make sense and that people completely change the storey but yours different and it is believable that this did happen to voldemort and her death is what tipped him over the edge. Thank you very much for a few evenings of enjoyable reading.
Corsetta chapter 35 . 8/21/2011
Aww. I actually cried reading the end of this. A snake. How ironic.

I have to say, I do love this story. Tom in this is quite fantastic. Not all lovey like some people go, but not completely cold hearted either. Fantastic writing.
EvieVee chapter 34 . 4/26/2011
I...freaking loved this story! I'm crying as I type this because the ending was soooooo sad! This is THE BEST Tom Riddle/OC fanfiction I have EVER Read! You deserve an award for this!
Kelly Starr chapter 1 . 9/14/2010
Usually I'm all for the stereotypical popular girl stories, but this is a bit rushed and poorly written. It does have a lot of potential though, I'll give you that.

The thing that bothers me most is the fact that the story is supposed to be set in the 1940's. And these girls are acting like modern day wannabes. Girls back then were much more poised and modest, also to be considered popular you usually have to be "in style" which back then wasn't high rise yellow shirts. Perhaps you may want to alter that bit in to maybe a low cut yellow dress, that is if you are aiming for the slut appeal.

This isn't a flame. I'm just trying to help. People on this sight don't seem to know how to take constructive criticism.
DisastrousOl'Me chapter 34 . 7/18/2010
This puts all harry potter fanfics that include Tom Riddle Jr. to shame! I was absolutely sucked into the story from the beginning. Not only was his relationship with Serena believable, but I feel like you ended this story in the best way possible. I like that he managed to admit he loved her, even if she was on her deathbed at the time! I'm adding you as a favourite author for that chapter alone :) keep writing!

natalie chapter 35 . 5/22/2010
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