Reviews for Blood's Strain
Merklin chapter 1 . 1/11/2007
This story looks like it's going to be interesting. I'll review again after I read the entire thing. Hope the rest is just as good.
themagebear chapter 12 . 10/11/2006
you should keep consistent with spelling myrrh's name, even if you are doing it wrong.
themagebear chapter 7 . 10/10/2006
developing nicecly, but again, spelling, grammar, and word choice are problems.
themagebear chapter 4 . 10/10/2006
really good plot. you might want your sis to beta it, though. a couple grammar/spelling mistakes.
Niokh chapter 20 . 9/18/2006
Huh. Strange ending?

Congrats on finishing within a year...
Noon6 chapter 20 . 9/18/2006
if ya want to you could write a sequel...if ya want to cause that was a confusing end...and what the hell happened to the demon king?
Hleinir chapter 20 . 9/17/2006
*sniff* No... it's over... this was one of the best Fire Emblem fics I've ever managed to find. Kudos to you! I am a little confused over the ending, but even with the confusion this was a great epilogue, as well as a great story. Great job with grammar, punctuation, all that good stuff. You're my hero!
DreyaCira chapter 20 . 9/17/2006
Oh, no, that can't be the end! It's way too sad that way! There has to be a sequel or something, I can't go on without your writing! Please no 'All Done'...It was all so good, there just has to be more...
Niokh chapter 19 . 9/15/2006
What, oh what, could have happened to our dear Demon King?

Oh well, epilogue soon.
Rayestar Ikina chapter 19 . 9/15/2006
Oh my dear lord, but this has been an exciting journey! I really, really enjoyed it, you know? Anyway, I've finally gotten to play the game (borrowed from a friend), and once I'm finished, this is something I definitely have to come back and read again! o I LOVE THIS FIC!

DreyaCira chapter 19 . 9/15/2006
Oh, no, you can't kill Lyon! Don't kill Lyon, I don't want him to evil, vile, live person! Ahaha, no, actually, this was very good. I loved the beginning with poor Forde and Franz. I hope the epilogue really is up soon. I'm dying for it.
Hleinir chapter 19 . 9/15/2006
Wow. This story has been absolutely amazing. Your grammar and wording has vastly improved over the course of this and the story itself is gripping and exciting. You've done an excellent job on this! I look forward to any future stories you write!
Hleinir chapter 18 . 8/11/2006
Holy crap. I am so glad I found this story. Once again, you've left me in a state of numbed shock and excitement, and I can't wait for the next chapter. Keep it up!
DreyaCira chapter 18 . 8/11/2006
Aw, but I LIKE the insane-ness! This is so intense, really. I can't wait for the end!
Niokh chapter 18 . 8/10/2006

Can't wait for more!
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