Reviews for Numb3rs 1 through 30
JanisKunz chapter 15 . 8/1
This fic was simply amazing! Thank you for writing it. After watching the series (twice!) I always wanted more backstory, maybe some flashbacks. But here it is! You perfectly fleshed out all the things hinted at by the show! I love how you have Don's history expanded, like the bridge from baseball to the FBI, his relationship and split with Kim, him and his mother, and how he internalizes about Charlie. Everything was just what I was missing! I cried and laughed - superb, just superb. The characters were genuine and so spot on and each time a section left off on some serious cliff-hangery note, I was absolutely hooked! The series writers and Morrow made Don such an interesting character with so many ins and outs to his personality - intriguing with seemingly so little effort. You expand and deepen that with this story. Thanks again, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your fic! :)))
Guest chapter 15 . 5/8
How could the spoiled Charles not be with his mom in her last moments while the neglected Don was?
Guest chapter 15 . 5/8
But like, I still feel bad for Don.
AB-maybecrazy chapter 15 . 3/3/2019
That was so amazing! And that last chapterI’m glad you wrote it, because I still had tears in my eyes and needed a happy end! Really great story
Guest chapter 15 . 7/5/2018
You write well. I would really love to read this from Charlie's POV to be honest. To know more about the things not just with him, but their parents. What they think and feel, the things they're going through. Seeing that for so long, crazy many years, Don pretty much left his family almost entirely, there could be so much more to know about the other side of the story.
BooksAreMedicine chapter 14 . 5/11/2017
Loved the family moment at the end
BooksAreMedicine chapter 7 . 5/10/2017
Nice foreshadowing and quotes here :)
marykent chapter 15 . 1/29/2014
I really enjoyed this story on the history of the Eppes family. I always wanted to learn more about their past during the show. And your characters were spot on!
Cutter12 chapter 15 . 7/18/2010
I enjoyed your take on the history of Don Eppes very much. Thanks!
epalladino chapter 15 . 2/6/2009
Very nice story. You cover a lot of excellent character moments over time in a relatively short story. You really had all the characters spot on. I especially liked the glimpse you give of Don's relationship with Kim.

I only have just a few quibbles: 1. Even though Charlie eventually ended up at CalSci, he graduated from Princeton. 2. Kim Hall was in the FBI when she lived with Don. She entered the Secret Service at some point after he moved back to LA.

Thanks for the interesting read, Beth
MikiNare chapter 15 . 9/8/2008
Hey. I just recently got into Numb3rs. I've only seen a few episodes actually, but I am so into it I started hunting around for some fanfiction. You have no idea how happy I was after reading your Numb3rs fics. They are so amazing. You are so very very talented.

The detail in 'Numb3rs 1 Through 30' was outstanding and your character portrayal of Charlie and Don was spot on. I only wish this could have been a real episode.

I don't know if you are still writing fanfiction for Numb3rs, but the way you write Charlie and Don is just fantastic and I am finding it hard to read other Numb3rs fanfiction because they simply cannot add up to your standard! Haha.

I can only beg you to write more Charlie/Don fics, if only for my sanity! I need more! Haha.

Thank you so much for sharing your stories and know that they are just outstanding and you are one amazing author!

Jyaramie chapter 15 . 2/5/2008
Aw, I've only seen one episode but this makes me want to watch more.
ferryboat George chapter 15 . 6/15/2007
Wow. The story was good, but the last two lines are fantastic.
SaJi chapter 15 . 9/28/2006
I remember reading this story a long way back on one website or another. Very well done I thought and I loved how the characters where written.
ML Only chapter 15 . 2/21/2006
I really enjoyed that from Don's perspective. Thanks!
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