Reviews for Modern Day Prometheus
JenEvan chapter 1 . 11/5/2012
The interaction between Scree and Sky is one of the parts I liked here. The Prometheus legend certainly got Starscream thinking deeply - he may have all the time he want to correct his mistakes; but others, including those he'd wronged, don't. Bittersweet, but beautiful :)
ArmoredSoul chapter 1 . 4/10/2008

That was...

I can't even find the words here.

Just so...



Like wine mixed with a lethal dose of arsenic.

Being able to live forever, and see the world change, but having to leave behind those you care about.

Seems an awfully high price to pay.
Systemscrash chapter 1 . 12/26/2007
Aww, this is such a sad, sweet story.

It's certainly clever, and a nice one-shot. Such a shame there isn't more though. Haha.

Byrnstar chapter 1 . 8/14/2007
Lovely character interaction here, and it's always interesting to see speculation on Starscream's immortality. But...wasn't Prometheus supposed to have been sympathetic to humanity? That's why he was chained up, after all. This story offers an interesting way out, though - perhaps Skyfire, bonded to Starscream, inherited the human sympathies...
Dragoness Eclectic chapter 1 . 8/22/2006
M... now this is a tasty little Starscream/Skyfire story. I rather like the take on Starscream's immortality: here, he's *just like* BW Rampage, physically immortal with undying spark-except a bit less psychopathic. Different from my take on undying Starscream, but interesting.

Am I the only one who caught your title and internal allusions as not just to the legend of Prometheus, but to that *other* work entitled "The Modern Prometheus"? The one by Mary Shelley, of course. Skyfire's comment about "experiments with life and death" rather clinched the allusion for me.
Master Solo chapter 1 . 2/20/2006
Yay greek myths!
LagunaL8 chapter 1 . 11/15/2005
Aww tis touching and angsty at the same time. I love these kinda stuff XD specially when its Screamer centered
ZealPropht chapter 1 . 10/25/2005
That was fantastic! As I've always said, love between Autobots and Decepticons will forever be bittersweet. I read once about Starscream's "undying spark" but I never thought to see it written in a story so eloquently. These were some of the lines I liked the best:

"I always hated," came the voice of the mech above him, "when you experimented with life and death."

"I'm not immortal like you. Nor is anyone you have played with. Your Elites that you torment, and the way you constantly aggravate Megatron... and he wonders, each time, why he never kills you... and he always concludes that you simply must be too stupid to die. But he does not know you like I do, Starscream. One day, Starscream, he will learn... he will understand... and like Prometheus of legend, it shall be youchained to the accursed rock."

Just the whole back and forth between them, really. It's so perfect. Starscream's overconfidence shows through, here. He doesn't care anymore about what he does or who he hurts, because he believes that he has time enough to fix anything. But like Skyfire points out, perhaps Starscream does, but not him.

They're on two different sides, now, but what past they shared still lingers with them. How tragic, and how very Greek. This story is a must for any Starscream fan to read.
Stormsoul chapter 1 . 10/16/2005
Intriguing...well written with good metaphors. It would certainly explain how Starscream survives getting into so many arguments with someone twice his mass. The ending sentence is also nicely placed. Nice one overall.
The-Charcoal-Alchemist chapter 1 . 10/13/2005
Wow...Deep. I love the way you mixed Greek mythology with the G1 TFs so well! Great job!
The Loliconvict chapter 1 . 10/12/2005
Nice story! I love Greek myths, and this combines 2 of my interests. Good Work!