Reviews for His Light
selena23loveless chapter 2 . 11/22/2007
It was so beautiful! How you mixed romance with humour,the characters,the relationships between them!I really like the pairing Eyes-Rio,it is more inocent than Eyes-Kanone(although this pairing is interesting too).I don't know if Hiyono would like Eyes only because he's's just an opinion.I was really impressed by your fiction!It would be great if you could write more chapters..or another fiction on this theme.
KuriCurry chapter 2 . 1/6/2006
the first ever I saw Spiral, it really did feel natural... The shounen-ai pairing, it felt perfect~!

Eyes was beautifully perfect and Kanone was greatly intelligent.

Though, as I say in fictions I like, you made it work, though I thought it wasn't even possible. I don't like Rio that much,

Some keyboard mistakes.. I mean you pressed one letter before the other, but it's almost unnoticable... why'd I notice it? Well, I'm just one of those world critics that really can't write that good either...

Loved the fiction, though not the pairing that much...

Cheer Elven High Priestess of Procrastination
Polaris18 chapter 2 . 1/6/2006
Poor Kanone. Eyes should've yelled "I'm not gay!" that wouldv'e been hilarious! But I like the fluff! The fluff is good!
inuwolf04 chapter 2 . 1/1/2006
so sweet! get that inspiration thingy and update soon!
MoonExpressions chapter 1 . 11/19/2005
well...not too bad for a oneshot thing.

My story is a one shot of EyesXKanone to,

there's going to be atleast 5 chapters...
inuwolf04 chapter 1 . 11/13/2005
yay! i love eyesrio! love it!
vampireprincessZ chapter 1 . 11/2/2005
Hey wuz up again. Just to tell you my friend she would love to meet you. don't know if she serious. I would e-mail you but my e-mail is not working. and my parents get po'd when people from this site e-mail me. So by the way i've read all your stories just haven't reviewed them. Ciao!
EmptyAccount2019 chapter 1 . 10/31/2005
Good job. I liked it but my fav pairs are Rio/Eyes, Kosuke/Ryoko, and Ayumu/Hiyono. Pretty good i liked it. And i do know that i already said that once. You know you are just like my best friend Tiffaney who is 17 but will soon be 18. We are getting her a alchol filled cake. NEwayz you should write more rio/eyes. Ciao
Yume Anzaki022 chapter 1 . 10/24/2005
wow I never imagined someone would write a fic like this its please continue please...
Polaris18 chapter 1 . 10/20/2005
I love it! Rio and Eyes are so uber cute together! Love your work, keep it up!
Yuumei chapter 1 . 10/16/2005
ah...nice oneshot! (you're right, humans ARE strange creatures...-_-) it's a nice minor couple but it just can't cut those slashes, eh? -
CeTe chapter 1 . 10/16/2005
Okay, that was interesting to say the least as was that pairing. I gave the EyesRio pairing a thought a couple of time though I still perfer KanoneEyes way more. Good job you made me give this pairing a chance, and held my attention at the same time I applaude you greatly. Eyes' personality and view of the world was perfect to a t as always.
honey bunny boo chapter 1 . 10/16/2005
Ello!Nice fic! Me likey bunches! Update soon please!

with love, Honey Bunny Boo and all us freaks at the BK Shack
alpha2nd chapter 1 . 10/16/2005
Of COURSE eyes is a wonderful just have to look past the glares and cold shoulder and the fact that he may be trying to kill you XD For your first fic of this pairing, it was good. poor Kanone though

Kanone: What? You made eyes pair up with RIO?

Rio: (sticks out her tongue at Kanone) Eyes is min! all mine!


Haha, i enjoyed this one shot, good job! (mes thinks you kept them all in character quite well)