Reviews for I Feel Pretty
Sumi Anzu chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
I knew after draco being seductive, he was a rentboy or a whore. Now thing that shock me was the intended cilent was snape! His god-son- He got a "pretty in pink" and cutesy taste compare how he dress (so black, emo and goth)

i lol at part that he need shag someone and lucious in jail. So, he into blonde guy or lucious and draco is his son which look like lucious.
Eriakit chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
"…Everyone has to shag someone," Snape replied petulantly. "And Lucius is locked up." BEST. LINE. EVER.

3 it.
Eryk Lestrange chapter 1 . 3/1/2012
wish there was a follow-up
Starting Afresh chapter 1 . 8/27/2011
Really great. Write another one? SS xxx
Regenbogenschnecke chapter 1 . 9/16/2010
Hey AbstractConcept :)

I read this story a while ago and thought it was really funny and cute.

So I translated the story to german (that's my native language, you see) and I think it would be really great, you gave me your permission to post this story on a german fanfiction page ( .de, my account name there is Regenbogenschnecke).

I can assure you, my german is much better than my english (I don't know, if there are any mistakes in this little text).

Well. My second question is: there are two passages I didn't understand perfectly and it would be grat, if you could help me there:

1) When Draco says "someone vanilla like you" does he mean boring or does it mean something positive like sweet an tasting like vanilla or so?

2) I don't really know, what the sentence "Of a brash young boy that never said die." means. Does he mean, Harry never said, he should die, or is it something I just don't get?

It would be really kind of you to answer my questions.

Maybe you could answer on my eMail account () that would be great.

Best wishes

jamjam14 chapter 1 . 3/20/2009
wow, great fanfic, really, really good! i love the humor in the end and obviously the romance :]
Raven Blossom chapter 1 . 6/25/2008
beautiful last line 'enjoy your drag'. double entendres are magnificent.
SomedayEngland chapter 1 . 4/6/2008
I really enjoyed this one. It is all too easy to picture Draco in a corset! ) It made me feel kinda sorry for him though, even though that probably wasn't what you had in mind for it. I have a nasty habit of making everything angst.
The Obvious chapter 1 . 10/12/2006
that was so cool... loved it ) hehe draco feels pretty... hmm i wouldn't mind feeling draco, feeling pretty... anywho, liked the fic )
Herme23 chapter 1 . 10/5/2006
Oh goodness, this was hilarious. Your one-liners shot from the hip just cracked me up. I loved the images you detailed. "watching Draco suck the poisonous vapours into his lungs with the same aplomb as Clint Eastwood—minus the pink lingerie, of course." That's just too rich! Awesome, thank you!
Black Perla chapter 1 . 6/5/2006
XDD Great story! Stupendous!
Just Here to Browse chapter 1 . 11/27/2005
aw man, this is awesome. you are really good at punching out one liners... "Malfoy, I think your gender just unbent" and "enjoy your drag" and a bunch others...very witty, and very sexy!
Tine chapter 1 . 11/13/2005
Wow, that was great.
Aseret Kitsune chapter 1 . 10/31/2005
this was really good! I just have to put it in my C2!
The Deity chapter 1 . 10/28/2005
oh im liking! siriously i love harry or draco in a drag and all whore-ish lol.

cant wait for chp two
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