Reviews for To Shimmer or to Shine
that-girl-who-likes-dolphins chapter 4 . 12/6/2005
i feel so loved, as should you. anyone who can write as well as you is one to be liked, at least. i would love to give you construtive criticism (which is what you're supposed to do, right?), but i can't think of anything to comment on. actually my only comment is that you update quickly.
hottyjessy chapter 4 . 12/4/2005
omg hurry up n update!

im liking this noble lord...

my legs r purple lol
Drgnfly chapter 4 . 12/4/2005
I'm waiting for the update! Let's see... 3 types of love...m... like Cam towards Audrey and the prince towards Audrey, like that? ;) lol, ok, waiting for your next chappie!
Losthope chapter 1 . 12/4/2005
hey, u did a real nice job but try not to consintrate on "love". Other than that u know haw to keep ppls attention
li'l bling bling chapter 4 . 12/4/2005
write more soon!
Moonlight Enchantments chapter 4 . 12/4/2005
Hey, good chapter, you better update soon! I can see how she is a little irritating, but I think she shall change once she falls in love or whatever, as we know must happen! But the question is with whom? Please update soon!
li'l bling bling chapter 3 . 11/17/2005
write more
hottyjessy chapter 3 . 11/16/2005
lol i no i cant wait 4 tomorrow night! im bored perhaps ill count down the hours?

why not

haha i like the manly voice thing

u really hate her dont u :D

so its about 4.15 past 4

and were gonna get there at about 8.15

so... calculating...





... i think its about 28:D

wow not long now! yayayayayayayayayayay

y does she like the dungeons so much? i dont get it:S

wouldnt sum1 notice that her dress was dirty from falling on the floor of the dungeons?

and i think thats a bit harsh

of course a lowly farmers opinion matters

to some people! just not to every1

not much neways!

btw y was cam scurring to her room? o dont get it

but neways im gonna write some more of my stories

but i like the adieu lol

luv ya (and chadwick lol JOKES)

jess malcom LOL JOKES

BeaverGirl chapter 3 . 11/16/2005
Steph, I've said it once and I'll say it again: I shall update when I feel like it! I know that sounds unfair, but you KNOW how busy I've been!

But the story's great!

that-girl-who-likes-dolphins chapter 3 . 11/16/2005
true, but still. ne way, MORE, MORE, MORE!
Drgnfly chapter 3 . 11/16/2005
Yay! And another one! I'm glad, you update far quicker than I do. And yes, I talked to her, why? Do you have an msn account too? If you do I would like to meet you too! ;) ;) Please update soon your stories!
Moonlight Enchantments chapter 3 . 11/16/2005
LOL thanks, my friends gave me a list and I thought this was the best!Hey, that's wierd, perhaps I am wrong... doesn't happen a lot LOL

Good chapter, the dungeon was creepy! Write more soon!
hottyjessy chapter 2 . 11/13/2005
hey stefainia

yes i no i am a legend thank you

cant wait 4 friday! its gonna b so awesome omg

alseep my love?

what, DEAD my dove?

Speak, Speak! quite dumb?

Dead dead, a tomb

must cover thy sweet eyes!

these lilly lips

this cherry nose

these yellow cowslip cheeks

are gone, are gone!

lovers make moan

his eyes were green as leeks!

o sisters three

come, come to me

with hands as pale as milk

dip them in gore

as you have shore

with shears his thread of silk

tongue not a word

come trusty sword,

come blade

in thy breast imbrue!

farewell friends

thus thisbe ends




haha neway the stories great and i think u should include my name in it agen lol like in the last 1

chadwicks a cheap skate! he neva replies to txts!

omg neither do u

but neways

luv ya heaps

ne1 reading this should go R&R my stories!

luv ya more

jess xoxo
li'l bling bling chapter 2 . 11/12/2005
i can't. there is something wrong with it. write more soon!
Moon in Pisces chapter 2 . 11/12/2005
Don't be so hard on yourself! It's good! Audrey is a likeable character: playful, funny and intellectual. She tells the story in an approriate way much, but there are parts when she states her thoughts, that the writing pretty much gets out of character. It's all fairytale, victorian like story telling and then all of a sudden she says: "He can be as annoying as hell" That broke the flow of the writing. But overall it was well written.

I like Campbell too. He's gangster. lol.

anywayz, keep writing. Don't worry too much about what we're going to think. I've done that before many times and my stories have always ended up discontinued. Just have fun. Just forget you have reviewers. It will turn out right.
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