Reviews for Napoleon Goes to Hogwarts
AJ aka stalker chapter 3 . 3/6/2011
wow in real life theyed make a good cupple
AJ aka stalker chapter 1 . 3/6/2011
fricken sweet
beara44 chapter 5 . 2/25/2010
so funny! everything was awsome. you need to write more.:-,
Flygon Pirate chapter 5 . 7/15/2008
This get's funnier by the chapter!

Please update soon!

Flygon Pirate chapter 4 . 7/15/2008
Oh gosh, I can already imagine Napoleon going through all the Triwizard challenges and fighting Voldemort. XD

Way too funny!

My hat goes off to ya!
Flygon Pirate chapter 3 . 7/15/2008
Oh, a pairing. A freaking sweet pairing!

LOL, just kidding.

Great job!
Flygon Pirate chapter 2 . 7/15/2008
Wow, I knew that Napoleon and Pedro were going to cause a bit of randomness! Goo job and keep it up!

Flygon Pirate chapter 1 . 7/15/2008
Way too funny!

Keep up the good work!
ic chapter 1 . 6/30/2008
its so unique and i love how you have Harry potter and napoleon d in the same story.!
RavenofPyre chapter 5 . 3/24/2008
"Pedro offers you his protection!"

REYKUN KINUTA chapter 3 . 8/24/2007
dude! too funny! oh my ribs!
REYKUN KINUTA chapter 1 . 8/24/2007
oh dude! oh... that was so frikkin funny!
Jack Roger chapter 5 . 8/21/2007
"Yes, but... Those things look dangerous..." Ron said nervously, looking at a cross-bred skrewt.

Napoleon walked up to Ron. "Pedro offers you his protection."

Jack Roger chapter 3 . 8/21/2007
Napoleon and Luna? Interesting couple.
Jack Roger chapter 2 . 8/21/2007
HAHAHA! This just keeps getting better and better! Once again this story had me laughing out loud!
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