Reviews for Anatomy of Chaos
TesubCalle chapter 1 . 12/26/2006
You know, I don't think I can find words to describe how terrific I think this is.

You bring the sheer horror of growing up as a member of the Dread Youth to light...and you show it is ugly, evil, cruel and soul-destroying.

The story of how Jennifer acquired a first name was very touching. Her gradual resolve to abandon all traces of her Dread affiliation was written to perfection. Her defection story rings so true; one imagines this is exactly how it would have happend had the series delved into Chase's history.

Thanks for writing this and all your CP stories. For such a short-lived series, it's great to see such a talented writer tackling the characters and their emotions and stories - and staying true to the spirit of the show, as well.

So write more, OK?
Morgan Stuart chapter 1 . 4/8/2006
Another great story! Terrific character insights. I was particularly moved at the description of Chase observing the storytelling and teasing around the fire, before they extended the chance for her to tell her own story. Any chance you'll look at the background of Tank or Hawk? I can hope. :) You do a terrific job with all of them. Thanks for sharing this story.
Ringhuiniele chapter 1 . 2/16/2006
Great story! Emotional one for me. I liked the idea that Eric was the one who bestowed her the name Jennifer after his sister. Right doses of tension, sadness and happiness.
Chase998 chapter 1 . 11/14/2005
Wow! This was terrific! It's a both a shame and a great thing that the show never addressed this portion of Chase's story. I think the writers on the show would have done a fine job with it. However, the fact that the show ended prematurely gives writers like you the opportunity to run with the idea and create a multitude of variations that are very enjoyable to read.

Excellent characterization of what Jennifer is thinking during the cleansing of Sand Town. I'd love to see you expand this story a little more if you ever have the time. Maybe a followup?
Kazthom chapter 1 . 11/13/2005
I love stories concerning Pilot and this one certainly doesn't let me down! I especially liked the way you brought Gundar into it. It was a nice tie-in to her comment in "Freedom One" after she found he had been killed. I like your writing style...your stories draw me in, just like the show did. Keep writing and I'll keep reading!