Reviews for Through Those Eyes
fireworkmage chapter 3 . 10/20/2007
i have play the game and i was trying to find a good fanfic for sotteot and i am really glade that i found some one who can make it happen.. well, truth be told i love albel he makes things so simple..juss kill'em it makes it better...well cant wait for the next chapter..! bye:X
nonisu chapter 1 . 10/7/2007
PLEASE CONTINUE~~! T.T iwanna read more of this storyy
RadicalDreamer129 chapter 9 . 8/23/2007
Amazing story! I love the maria Albel fights.
Silver-Eyed-Elf chapter 9 . 8/19/2007
I like what you're exploring in this fanfic. Usually I'll only read ones that are already complete (I *hate* waiting for updates constantly) but the title intrigued me. Please update soon, and don't wait 11 months to update again! If you need any ideas, or a beta reader, just message me and I'll be more than happy to help!
EverD chapter 8 . 2/24/2007
I think it would be interesting to see the part where Sophia talks to Izumi oh and your welcome for the review, and as long as you update you'll always get reviews from me!
EverD chapter 7 . 2/9/2007
This is an amazing story! I realy like it a lot. It made since and I just really liked it! Could you up-date soon please!
Sadistic Saint chapter 7 . 3/26/2006
Bravo! *claps* I found that very well written! - ...a bit short, but hey, I got to read something...and so soon. Thought you was 'grounded' for a bit there? But anyway...

Damn Izumi's cool! She's just so...oh I don't know ...I think it's just cause I can follow her thoughts...and everyone else seems so real too. Don't lose that, k?

...or the action. Don't lose that. I mean, I want ya ta tell me more but don't do it in a rush. Let your audience know more of the story slowly...keep 'em on the edge. Give them a steady flow of info but keep some to yourself so we all still want to read more. So we all have to bugger ya to write faster! Hahahaha! Can't wait to see the next part. Really.

You’re welcome for the review, whatever it may mean to you.
Dragon Chyld chapter 7 . 3/26/2006
'Cliff, who had been busily musing in front of the mirror, now looked up at the doorway, mouth open, hair-gel on the floor. “Wha? How in the hell could Albel be down?” And he was gone, following the blue haired boy and brunette girl through the door and out into the now crowded streets.'

I don't know why, but I loved that part! It was funny.

I'm not sure about all of Fayt's questions. Not much is really known about Izumi and it just seems he was either rambling or trying to coax her into talking. So, she's not using symbology - interesting. Albel's so mean to her, he is scary here.

I hope you get hit by a big dose of inspiration soon. I find myself rooting for Izumi and just dieing to know more about her. Don't leave me in the dark for too long :)
Dragon Chyld chapter 6 . 3/26/2006
Now we see a bit of Izumi's feelings and emotions. She's stuck in the middle - if he lives he might hurt her again but she doesn't want him to die. Um, maybe I should tell you to hurry up (lol) but I see the next chapters already here so I'll wait for that review ;)
Dragon Chyld chapter 5 . 3/26/2006
Woltar's mean in this story - or is it just tough love? Either way, Albel got caught! Still makes me wonder about how she beat him since she had to be a little tired from fighting before. Makes me wonder where her strength comes from. I'll have to read and find out!
Dragon Chyld chapter 4 . 3/26/2006
OK, I have no idea where I've been...I looked up and there are more chapters I haven't read or reviewed. I have no excuse so I'll be hitting the chapters as I can.

Izumi is still so mysterious. And kind of creepy in a good way. She has no problem holding her own. It'll be interesting to see how the fight turns out.
might come back someday chapter 7 . 3/23/2006
Awesome, just simply awesome, yo. _ And yes, he is very scary sometimes... o.O;

The descriptions were really good, too. A totally awesome chapter. *nods*

Hm, I wonder as well what Izumi really is... Darn you and your withholding of information! *shakes fist*


Can't wait for the next chapter! _
ThrogmortenMimic chapter 6 . 3/21/2006
Great story, i hate it, but, still have to read it! Albel can't be defeated! He has to win! But i don't want Izumi to die... Get the king to order albel down...

might come back someday chapter 6 . 3/21/2006
My god, girl, you are totally awesome with your writing skills! I totally loved this chapter, awesome description and everything.

I only have one nitpick: wouldn't Albel have thought Izumi was using Runology and not Symbology? I would expect either Fayt, Maria, or Cliff to notice that it was Symbology, but on Elicoor II, they call it Runology... Meh, just a thought...

E, Albel was so evil... o_O Scary... _; I didn't make him quite that bad in my fic, but then again, mine is post-game and everyone is gone, so yeah...

Anyway, keep up the excellent work! You should really start thinking about becoming a published author, you have talent. _
Sadistic Saint chapter 6 . 3/21/2006
I like your story, it's pretty damn good...I wanna know know more about Izumi but I'm sure you'll get to that...and I really do like your character. Not totally kick ass, she got hurt in the fight, which is cool. I see a lot of people who just make a totally unbeatable character that you can't relate too; but you didn't! yay! strange I am. Albel seems like his old pain-in-the-ass self too!

So I hope you get back computer privileges soon. Sorry 'bout your mom grounding you and shit...though I'm sure my word doesn't do much for you.

P.S. - Izumi is a character in Full Metal Alchemist. But I don't think anyone really gives a damn about your character having the same name. No biggy.
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