Reviews for Circular Reasoning
JaehaerysTargaryen chapter 21 . 7/22
Lalalalalalallalala! Climaxed the fuck out of that chapter. It's extremely interesting and the grammar is amazing. It's 5AM rn but I'm stull going to choose reading the next chapter over sleep.
JaehaerysTargaryen chapter 19 . 7/22
Okay... first of all... HOLY FUCKING SHIT! That scene at the end was amazing. This chapter was amazing. We don't see anyone out of character, we don't see a canon rehash and the fae plot advances further. WOOHOO! Let's gooo
JaehaerysTargaryen chapter 6 . 7/22
Wow finding a third year story that doesn't repeat any of the known events feels amazing. This story is a godsend. Loving the AU with the whole Lords of Magic stuff. Super interesting plot.
JaehaerysTargaryen chapter 3 . 7/22
Okay I love this so far. Grammar is perfect. Everything is not solely fixed on Hogwarts, I like the OCs and I love that Harry has not drowned himself in self pity. Great stuff. This is a lot of fun to read.
ErenThorn chapter 28 . 7/12
Great story. Sad that it’s abandoned
automaton14 chapter 28 . 6/30
hey I really like this storyanything I can do to help you update?
Silver chapter 13 . 6/8
Im gonna be honest. I like Hadrien Sharr WAAAAAY more than Harry Potter :P
ionsjun chapter 1 . 6/10
Damnn first chapter in huh
NeverGonnaStop chapter 28 . 6/3
For some reason the name Phrixus sounds a lot like Praxis in my mind. Probably because Baron Praxis is the only other Baron in fiction I know very well.

I gotta say, stumbling upon this story was one of the best things to happen to me since the day I started reading fanfics. It's one of the best written , most original and - shy of being overly verbose in places - excellently paced. It's also great seeing some well fleshed Fae culture, when so far the closest I've seen was Outlast Alley.

The only criticisms I have are small moments where the writers personal, and in my opinion uninformed, beliefs about culture and history shine through. Any time someone uses the word "McCarthyism " unironically is usually the moment I shut out any and all opinions that person has. In order to believe in the historical myth of McCarthyism requires a level of self-delusion born of ostritvch style, head in the dirt, ideological line toeing as to make the person beyond reach of any arguements or discussion. Fortunately that, and little moments like it, only rarely reared up their ugly heads and otherwise made for a perfect story.

I sincerely hope you update soon.
WittyBasketcase chapter 2 . 5/31
I died laughing when Dudley protested he's not fat. Haha
a pair of ragged claws chapter 28 . 4/2
I like the angle of this story, along with the gritty take on Harry. Until about 2 chapters ago, I felt like there were two separate plots that didn’t seem to be meshing at all—almost two separate fandoms, like a crossover with some kind of faery world—but they are starting to come together now that Harry has left Hogwarts and is uncovering more info about his past. The godfather thing with Sirius is sad but interesting, and I like the way there are no easy answers for the two of them in terms of sanity and dark magic and ethics. It is also sad that, just like in canon, Harry is so much in the dark about his own history and his own powers. The misunderstanding in the summerlands seems to have arisen largely because Harry doesn’t understand who he is or where he is situated within the power structure of the Families. It’s very frustrating, but I think it’s a well-designed frustration because you are framing the story so that readers are feeling much of what Harry himself feels: afraid to uncover the truth, but frustrated at the blinders and the traps that would be easier to bear if there were more information available. I do love how Harry refuses to fit into anyone’s ethical or social mold, especially since that seems to land him in all kinds of interesting trouble.

I am very curious to see what will happen, and I hope you’ll start updating again. It must have been a few years ago that you prefaced with an author’s note about how we could all use some escapism right now, and that may be more true than ever with this pandemic. Unfortunately, as much as I have been drawn into this story (I binge-read it in two days) and as much as I really like your writing style, this particular cliffhanger means that the story has ultimately left on an especially bitter note, leaving me with a bad taste in my mouth. Yes, I did decide to start this story knowing that there would be all kinds of dark and unsavory themes, but I also ultimately hope to see our protagonist come out on top in the end—or if not exactly “on top,” at least with some kind of dark narrow victory. So I am really hoping this isn’t the end de facto! In any case, thank you for your amazing writing! I hope that you and yours are doing as well as possible under the current global circumstances. chapter 28 . 4/1
An excellent story, smelling of the dresden files and Grant's london bridges. Even though i hate everything fae with passion.
stevem1 chapter 28 . 3/10
Excellent crazy story.
stevem1 chapter 24 . 3/10
This Harry is a homicidal maniac. Emphasis on both the maniac and homicidal.

He’s detached room reality. He’s literally insane. Not evil per se, but insane. And incredibly powerful. Some of the chapters were difficult to read.

He’s trying to moor himself to people to find some stability, Dumbledore, Sirius, Strohm, etc. That won’t work. People will fail him, if only by dying. He needs a code, a value system. Even it is a code or value system that only a homicidal maniac can appreciated. Otherwise he’ll continue to be unhinged.

Right now I think he has more than a passing similarity to Bellatrix LeStrange.
stevem1 chapter 20 . 3/9
Why should Harry stay at Hogwarts? It makes no sense.
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