Reviews for Keeping the Faith
gizmoanddaisy chapter 20 . 4/4/2017
Please finish the story. I really liked reading it.
CcSmI chapter 20 . 12/27/2011
So, I know it's been FOREVER, but this story is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING and it IS the new year.. Maybe your resolution could be to finish this story? PLEASE! You write amazingly well and the characters are dead on. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FINISH!
Mma63 chapter 20 . 5/3/2010
I know it's years since you updated but it's really, really sad not having it finished. One of my favorite fics in the site. Anyway tks for provideng some interesting reading...if for any unexpected motive your muse come back, you could make a try to humor your readers...
purplehaz97 chapter 20 . 10/7/2009
how rude not to finish:(
AlexCurtis chapter 20 . 9/13/2008
VampCaro chapter 1 . 12/29/2007
A great story. Its a shame its not been finished. I would love to know how it ends.
Cosmic Castaway chapter 20 . 7/30/2007
Sadden to see this was never finished :( but great to read and at least we know Grissom and Nick made it out, unscratched is a different story. Great work, I think you had everybody's voices down pat and I really dislike Garza. Great job and maybe some day you'll get to finishing this wonderful story ;)
keltiksgirl chapter 20 . 7/4/2007
hi will there be more to this story i hope so...
MoonMadKitty chapter 20 . 1/5/2007
This is a lovely, well-thought out and excellently written story. I'm very envious of your in-house beta and must find ways to either clone her or steal her! The character mood descriptions are particularly good, in my opinion: you manage to convey an entire setting with very few words or a simply painted image. Overall, very nicely done.
sally88 chapter 20 . 3/27/2006
so glad you're back. i was really worried that we wouldn't be seeing you again. as usual another great chapter. this story is going really well. hope to be seeing more soon. bye.
rozzy07 chapter 20 . 3/26/2006
...Wipes brow in relief that the dreaded 'writers block' has now lifted for you! Your OC Garza is such a vicious creation, his sole intent to bring down Grissom & Nick, and his battle of wits with Catherine as she made him tow the line when he searched their homes was great. Nick & Griss need someone like Catherine to stay fighting in their corner. Now, please, more soon!
krysalys chapter 20 . 3/24/2006
Oh yeah, I sure hope that Nick and Gil file complaints against Garza for his behavior, and that the jackass gets reprimanded... or at the very least, he has to make a formal apology.

Especially if he leaks to the press that he's investigating two memebrs of the night shift CSI's for being crooked.

Oh yeah, that'll get his ass kicked by Brass. Heh. If anyone knows what it's like to be a whistleblower on bad cops, it's Jim Brass.


No matter the reasons, I'm glad you're back, hon. ANother excellent chapter, and I look forward to the next.


DaVinci13 chapter 20 . 3/24/2006
Hey, you don't have to apologize! I know all about RL and writer's block. :( Ugh. And its a great chapter! I love how Catherine is doing her best to protect both Grissom and Nick, making sure Garza doesn't fake anything just to make his case. I'm looking forward to the next chapter, whenever you may post it. Keep up the great work! :P
Duchess192 chapter 20 . 3/24/2006
all done chapter 20 . 3/24/2006
It's been so long - ooh - how I hate that man! Good work, as usual. Will be waiting for the next installment.
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