Reviews for All I Want For Christmas
Anon chapter 3 . 3/3/2019
it's been years since i've first read this fic but it's still really cute!
Cyhyr chapter 3 . 6/20/2008
Oh, yes, Ama-chan, you got your present, didn't you ;)

I'm officially in love with this pairing. Like, I seriously thought about throwing my game out the window a few times because Zidane is /so/ dumb in the game, going for Garnet and leaving poor Amarant to have no one. Then I realized I'm in the basement with no windows and I drop that idea and go to fanfiction and find this story and I-LOVE-it!

I think I might end up writing my own Ama-Zi pairing story!

Eiko is /way/ too cute for her own good sometimes, I notice now. Such a little innocent ten-year-old playing the fangirl part? Nice...

For the record, NOT a shitty ending. The ending was perfectly fine, and I (personally) don't mind that there was no lemon.
Handmaiden of Foamy chapter 3 . 1/14/2006
I loved it still and for some strange reason I love this pairing.
Karu Leonnese chapter 3 . 12/30/2005
Okay, so maybeh there's more to this stupid holiday than I thought...-grins- Sorry I'm so late, but it was spiffy as always.

Oh, btw...I'm pretty sure I'm doing Amarant for OhayoCon coming up. I'll beh sure to get some piccehs up. The Vivi plushie is ging too! -waves hommade plushie-