Reviews for Jarlaxle's Christmas Special
Sgt. Sporky chapter 1 . 10/30/2010
I read this and the valentines extravaganza and think you oughtta do a halloween one... And maybe have a ghoul or some such kill the tailor, what's his name...
luma chapter 1 . 12/27/2006
i've read both of your "jarian" stories. i greatly enjoyed both of them, but i've come to the conclusion you have to be a drow to enjoy torturing artemis that much. it's so hilairous.
Lola Witherbottoms chapter 1 . 8/29/2006
... Hang on...let me get over my stunned silence. ;) Awesome, of course. Wow...that might have been weirder than Mercenary With Style...I loved it! Gotta love Jarian, of course (I'm still rooting for him), and the outfits. And I'm glad someone else realizes just how great chocolate is! Anyway, great job as always.
Stormshadow13 chapter 1 . 5/10/2006
Hee Hee I love this story. Somehow I can see all this happening. Really funny, I think you should write more short stories like this, maybe other haladaies. Keep up the good work.
legomaker4623 chapter 1 . 2/13/2006
Artemis is a "delectable sugarplum"?

Anyway, that kiss scared me for a moment. ;)
Arsinoe Selene chapter 1 . 2/8/2006
Oh good lord.

You are wicked to Entreri.

Yet, it has an appeal.

Those outfits are scary.

Salkiethia chapter 1 . 1/14/2006
This was absolutely hilarious. I loved it to death. :D
Lessiehanamoray chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
It wasn't as good as Mercenary with Style as far as how it was written, but I think it was funnier. I liked the loop hole that Entreri thought of for getting out of that kiss. By the way that was very, very, bad of you. (It was a like a giant bad joke, sort of like a Mel Brooks film)
Iceheart Firesoul chapter 1 . 12/31/2005
Thank God for Hershey's kisses, huh? A hat that freezes ppl in place, and mistletoe everywhere... it's a Christmasy minefield. So, that's the Muse arrangement. It explains why Jarlaxle always seems to come out ahead... you get his side of the story first, lol. And I agree w/ Entreri's assessment of the situation... that human causes him trouble, lol.
Kitreilia chapter 1 . 12/31/2005
Oh. My. Gosh! It didn't even surprise me to see Jarl celebrate Chrismas, but I wouldn't expect see others follow him(except Jarian of course but he... is someone apart). Well, Thanks for that little gift of story.

Psyco101 chapter 1 . 12/28/2005
LOL LOL LOL that was awesome! (would've been better if I wasn't trying to have three conversations at once) but whatever I loved how Entreri got out of the misletoe thing :D :D you did a SPECTACULAR Job on this :D
Kai chapter 1 . 12/27/2005
*falls out of chair*

For a moment there, I thought Jarian actually got Entreri...don't get me wrong, Jarian is an awesome drow, and at first I was laughing my head off because I thought Artemis was caught and then it became 'No! He got caught!' And then I read the rest of the story, so now I'm back to status quo _

Great story
spider chapter 1 . 12/26/2005
Wow. what a mini story. yeah i really thought that Jarian was gonna kiss him but then i thought about You and Yohji's kisses. then i was like woohoo he saved himself again. Great xmas special. and yes quoting Alex. that was "disturbing"
Lord Onisyr chapter 1 . 12/25/2005
That was awesome! Jarlaxle in his Christmas suit, Jarian and mistletoe, that poor, poor drow in the garland, and let's not forget that christmas carol. I love how you time the banter perfectly and Jarian is always a hoot. Happy Holidays!
Becky chapter 1 . 12/25/2005

Sigh...what would I do without you?

But I do have to say santa hats off for the "kiss" idea...that was a twist I did not see coming and I was very impressed. :) Merry Christmas and we have to get together soon
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