Reviews for To Be Human
Guest chapter 28 . 5/14
I reckon you should update after all these years.
rage98 chapter 28 . 12/15/2019
Guest chapter 28 . 6/4/2019
Dis is da bomb (seriously though, great fic with character development) ... I see it was last updated in 2011... I don’t know if I’m stupid and can’t find the rest of it... please update, there are people who believe in you and are now SUPER pumped about the fruits basket reboot! 3
Guest chapter 28 . 12/31/2018
This is one of my favorite fics ever! I know it has been many many years but I hope someday you’ll come back to it! I love the idea of Tohru as the Jade Emperor, and of the bonds transferring and of the animal forms becomeing stronger (I keep thinking how great it would be to see Shigure as a huge black dog, like mythical level) every character is just so well written and so believable thank you so much
Crystal187 chapter 28 . 10/22/2017
Like many who have reviewed before me, I was devastated when I realized this story was never finished. I absolutely love your interpretation of the characters and themes of Fruits Basket; your take on everything is unlike any other I’ve seen (and I’ve read TONS of FB fan fiction, over the past few months and 12 years ago when I first fell in love with the the series).

This is one of the few pieces of literature I’ve read that made me emotional enough to cry, so kudos to you! Thank you so much for spending the time and effort to write this exceptional story. Its taken me several days to finish (hey, I’m no longer a teenager with no job and copious amounts of free time on my hands), and I’ll be pondering this story for many more days to come, reimagining the scenes in my head. I’m so glad you decided to spend some time in the full cast of characters rather than just the principles. While the main trio is for sure my primary interest, Furuba is chock full of fascinating and intricate characters, and you have done an excellent job writing each and every one of them. Your insight into Akito’s character is particularly memorable; I feel like I understand her motivations much better after reading this. In fact, I much prefer the direction you took the story to where the manga ended up. I always found Akito’s sudden transformation into a remorseful, bordering on decent human being to be jarring and unrealistic, not to mention anticlimactic. Akito is a spectacular villain when she’s in the right hands, and yours is hands down my favorite depiction of her.

I’d love to go into more detail about all the things I loved about this story, but I’m afraid you’ll never read this review after so many years. If you ever update again, I’ll be sure to leave a longer review next time. Thank you again for providing me with so many hours of engrossing (and free!) entertainment.
DragonCurse4 chapter 28 . 6/16/2017
I really hope you decide to update it one of these days. :(

It's really interesting.
pricklingsensation chapter 28 . 12/22/2016
This fanfiction is so well planned out! I'm loving it with every other redaer out there
open hearts catch dreams chapter 28 . 1/24/2016
This story has been a really fascinating read. The pacing is just right, with just the right amount of attention on side characters to really make it feel like a full cast story, without taking away from the central players. The story really moves through a journey, which you don't always get. Earlier chapters in Shigure's house feel like a memory compared to the later chapters, locked in the Sohma estate, and that kind of disonance works really well with the tone of the story as a whole. Really nicely done.

Its really too rare that I find good Furuba fiction, and this is one of them. I love that you have a story that can explore the romances whilst not flooding the reader with them (especially since this is true to who they are, for the most part - many fics are far too sacharine and out of character for me). I kind of would have liked to see more of Rin and Haru, and Momiji, but that said, I appreciate they're really not as relevant for the story so their appearances are fewer. Kureno seems to be playing a villainous part, which is definitely interesting, and your version of Akito is so deranged - its a great read.

Then lastly, I started reading for the 'Kyo stuckin Monster form' thing. That's really nicely handled; Kyo dealing with it, but also Akito's manipulation of it and the in depth exploration of that form on Kyo as a person, not just the impact on his relationship with Tohru. Its more of a character focus, and I love that. But now I'm really invested in the idea of the Juunishi bonds reallocating themselves to Tohru, because they were misused. That fascinates me. I've not seen it in fanfics before, so I love the originality, and the way you've had it as a staggered progression; its amazing that Shigure was the first to cross, and I love seeing which of them cross in what order - its not always what I expect, which is nice.

So now I'm really just devastated that I read all this in one sitting and its not actually finished. I didn't realise when I first found it that it wasn't complete,, yeah, I'm sad. And given its over 10 years old, I don't know if you're still writing it at all (or even if you're still picking up reviews). But if you are; I loved this, and I really would like to see how it all ends - I hope you still have the inspiration to finish it one day. And if not, maybe you can just give me some spoilers on how you imagined it wrapping up? :))

Lovely, unique, well written, well characterised story. Thank you for sharing it. I hope one day it gets and ending :)
FairyTail2.0 chapter 28 . 1/10/2016
Ahem, I got excited :)
IMakeTheMonsters chapter 28 . 9/19/2015
holy crap this is frickin amazing. I just binge-read all 28 chapters. and it says you haven't updated in 4 years? if you're still on this site, PLEASE FINISH! I NEED to know what happened!
ikigaiyugen chapter 28 . 8/13/2015
I just finished the 28th chapter. I wanted to say how amazing this was ;A; I really enjoyed reading it, and I really wish it had been updated. This was REALLY well written, and yeah. 3 This honestly has to be the best KyoRu fanfic I've ever read.
Trigzl chapter 28 . 7/29/2015
I'm just going to join all the other reviews in crying over this story not being finished. Literally, my heart is hurting. But besides that, I actually knew it wasn't complete when I started reading it, and I decided to read it anyway, even though I knew that it probably never would be. I read all 28 chapters, knowing I wouldn't get an ending; because it was just written so well and I loved it. It takes a lot for me to read stories longer than 5 chapters, but you made it worth while every second.
The writing of this story was beautiful, and I love how you pulled the details from that manga to give the story life. I really feel that this captured the feel of Fruits Basket perfectly, and I am glad I read it, even though I don't know how it ends.
I don't know the reason you stopped this story, but I hope you're reading this and know that we would all love you to finish it at some point. Have a beautifully wonderful day. -Trigzl
Guest chapter 28 . 7/28/2015
where is the rest of it? *cries* this is by far the best fanfic i have ever read, and...and ...where is the rest of it? I know you have a life besides making the viewers happy, but please when you have time...please finish this.
ikigaiyugen chapter 4 . 7/18/2015
I've only read 3 chapters and this is so amazing. ;A; I know this is 2015 and the author will probably never read this (I was little when this was written; I was born the year the anime came out lol 3) but I really love this so far and the story is great. I'm going to camp tomorrow (wait today actually it's 3am XD). But, yeah. This has a great story and I ramble and ship KyoRu. Well done, person who wrote this. I am crying. But I love this so 3
EruditeIntelligence9525 chapter 28 . 7/16/2015
This is such a great story and it would be a shame and saddening to see it never get finished. I am looking forward excitedly to a new chapter getting posted. I hope that you still feel the drive to finish this story, if not for you, then for all of the loyal readers that stuck through it in the beginning and waiting to see this awesome story get finished. I for one will be waiting intently for the next chapters of this story. :D
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