Reviews for The begining
Fogen the Demon chapter 1 . 6/29/2007
Not bad at all. I have no idea why there's such a lack of Gantz fic's on this site. It's prime fanfic material and a great show to boot. This first chapter recaptured the feel of the show and has a great ending. However your style is a little tedious. You have a habit of "listing" things when you write (see the first sentence of the last paragraph). Also there are few typo's in here but nothing too major. I'm looking forward to the next chapter :)
Randomunit02 chapter 2 . 5/13/2006
awesome! We need more Gantz fics! Update soon!
Quantus chapter 1 . 2/6/2006
hey! great stuff man! im a pretty big fan of the gantz team and gonzo studios... you did very well and i hope to see more... im starting a gantz fan fic and wanted you to know so you can read and review it...

good luck

~bert M
Deathmotto chapter 1 . 1/27/2006
Ok that wasn't half bad and since english isn't your greatest strength that at least explains the bad grammar besides that it was original and good hope you make more.
Kabutokun chapter 2 . 1/27/2006
I don't have any coments for this chap (I don't know why but it reminded me the begining of the manga...).

So I'm waitting for next chap, show us some good actions scenes and bloodbaths! Are you going to make lemons too? (a GantZ's fic w/o lemon? NO WAY!;))

That's all for this review and good luck for your exams!

A la prochaine!
Kabutokun chapter 1 . 1/5/2006

Congratulation for being the first author of Gantz's fanfiction in a language that I can understand (even if english isn't my first language either)!

This first chap is pretty short so I can't make a big review but I want to know what happen next.

Just a question: where does the story take place? France? USA? England?

VoilĂ  c'est tout pour aujourd'hui! Bon courage pour la suite!
Grave chapter 1 . 1/4/2006
Not bad, not bad at all. Gantz is an awesome manga and I am glad someone decided to submit another fic about it. Well, I also think a plane wreck would not be the best way to 'recruit' a gantzer but it's not that farfethed either. After all, there is nothing known about this Gantz so far. Besides the slight grammatical problem this was better than alot of the stuff by native English users on this site. Good job.
PropellerGolem chapter 1 . 1/3/2006
I agree. Manga Anime.

The fic has good style so far, I'm reading it only because it's the ONLY real Gantz fic around. Usually I don't bother with anything under at least 10k words.

May cute flight attendant girl make it to the spawn room?

Actually it seems unrealistic that a black sphere would pick a high profile target like a plane wreck where all the victims names are listed. If one guy (or several) go missing and then turn up fine at home then that'll be quite the cause for enquiry, no?