Reviews for A Morning after a Storm
LJgreentigers chapter 1 . 1/12/2013
awesome story i loved reading this! so lovely :)
Angelas chapter 1 . 12/29/2012
Ignore the idiots that bashed, truly. Though, I think you already did. :D

Anyway, people should know that this is a fic, mere entertainment and a trivial thing for the author to do during their free time, right? Haha. The stupidity of some people. Authors aren't going to be writing exuberant, refined tomes on this website. I mean, c'mon.

Anyway, I loved this. It was very beautiful, the way you described their lovemaking. The small characteristics of each character that you portrayed were wonderful and believable, as well. I felt satisfied after reading it. It was a great read that I won't be forgetting any time soon. Also, you have a talent with describing surroundings and whatnot. I could see the forest, caped in storm and in a string of light blue hues, all flashing with the dance of thunder while our beloved elf and handsome human lost themselves in hehe Just beautiful. Incredible work! :D

3 chapter 1 . 4/3/2010
Hot as hell. Love this. Super sweet, too.

You nailed the personalities and kept it imaginable. I'm so fucking glad you explained the Arwen thing because NOBODY EVER DOES THAT! but you did so I love you. xP
VampiressBlack chapter 1 . 5/25/2009
This was a very nice little fic! i enjoyed it thoroughly!

And I loved the smut, it was hot and sweet at the same time, I also like the implimented love that will grow with more encounters of the like. They have a strong friendship and I think that couple with the obvious lust that it could definately develop into something a lot deeper!

The hesitancy at the begining was very good, it was in character and definately helped set the mood, it showed how nervous they both were and how uncertain of each other they were, and then how they overcame that.

Just wonderful! Definately a favourite!

mezzles chapter 1 . 12/21/2008
Sweet, beautiful and lusty. Exactly how I imagine a first tryst between the two would be; hesitant in the beginning, but once they started they couldn't back out. You kept both men in character, which was great and the language was beautiful. Great sentence structure too! Thanks for writing this piece!
amy chapter 1 . 3/21/2008
damn it, i only just realized after i'd pressed submit review (i have a bad habit of pressing enter immedietly after finishing writing the review) *sigh* oh screw this i only just realised that having the cooma before the 2 wouldn't stop them from deleting the other zeros gosh this is getting annoying, alright just Two-thousand don't think it can delete any of that it was getting annoyed that i couldn't even type that in numbers without 2 of the zeros been taken off? anyway sorry for this, i know i'll just look like a total spaz when it keeps implying i thinkk legolas character is 20 and not two-thousand and oh right now as well of course i probably sound like a spaz right now aswell but i'm tired and don't really care at the moment so if i have sounded blunt and tactless and whatnot then sorry but i'm tired at the mo and really am not concentrating doesn't mean i don't hate weepy pathetic legolas though (i don't hate legolas) i meant when people portray him like that, it annoys me.
amy chapter 1 . 3/21/2008
oh and annoyingly as fanfiction commenting can be, as it tends to delete any repeated letters example the 2-0-0-0 that i wrote without the - turned into 20, i just wanted to clarify that so you don't think i'm trying to say legolas chaacter is 20, i meant 2,0 without the , you get the idea, and no offence meant by the way i am NOT in a good mood and to tell you the truth this was well written and not to crudly graphic but i don't like submissive weepy legolas it's just so unlickley and might as well be legolas bashing. ugh my spelling is horible i keep pressing the wrong keys, it's annoying, so lplease exuce the errors of and the first * that appeared in my review was of the line 'Legolas heard the blood pounding in his ears as his first orgasm shook his body,' so that you can get what i meant, it'll beep it out again i know it will but you probably know what word i'm talking about from the line :)
amy chapter 1 . 3/21/2008
red hair?

and why did ou have to make legolas all weppy i'm sick of people doing that, he is like 20 years old he wouldn't just start sobbing for absolutly no reason or for a pathetic as that reason, also saying 'the older man' implys that aragorn is older than legolas, which is complete bull, also 'his first orgasm' i hope you were meaning his first with araogorn or his first of the night and not implying he was a little elf virgin again he is like 20 years old and sorry but the idea is laughable that he would be a little blushing virgin.

'I’ve gone through many things, much worse than that familiar journey we took not long ago to destroy a deadly ring' you've never read the books or seen the films have you, you make it sound like the journey taken to destroy the ring was some little quest like that would be nothing, sure it's fiction but seriously! and sorry but the 'protuding hips' made me cringe, theres just something sickeningly unatractive about someones hip bones sticking out i don't mean being slim i mean protuding hips it's not a nice image.

further more this story had no point and no story or even remote plot it was just a stupid peice for some fan girl to write about the two of them having sex, for abolutly no reason i might add there wasn't even any lust mentioned or anything not on legolas part anyway it was just like 'oh lets go and shag in the woods' i'm not against slash and of course i like the pairing (who doesn't) but there really was no point to this at all it really just was a 'lets go shag in the wood' story, there was no prior lust or anything it was just a sudden decision, and seems so pointless, no offence, i think the thing that annoyed me was that you made legolas so submissive again am i the only one who sees that his character is like 20 there is no way he would be some shy little fragile blushing virgin, if he lusted for aragorn he'd stomp all over arwens heart to get to him, i heard a really amusing thing someone said that was similar but i cannot remember where :) anyway the submissive little weeping legolas really annoys me, it's so iritating.

and haha this line made me laugh 'the threatening chill and icy tears of Mother Nature couldn’t compete with the force of nature that was their love.' what love? sure the pairing is great but there wasn't even really any lust of each other in this story beside the quick desision of a shag in the woods which is fine really but then trying to turn that into some amazing love, or is it one of those thing of the moment, heat of pleasure in love things, when someone doesn't actually mean it but says it while having sex, because if it was suppose to be that the two were actually in love you gave no clue befor ethat line that there was anything even remotly there.

and 'lovers' they were in the middle of the first time they had done it together, does that make them lovers, not really?
angelfire chapter 1 . 8/11/2006
that was fabulous! *applauds*
angstkitten chapter 1 . 6/20/2006
um... i liked this, but some of the words were a little overwhellming and over my head. but it was very good, if a little too formal sounding. _~
llol chapter 1 . 5/12/2006
OMG! what was that crap i just spent the last half hour reading! that's 30 minutes of my life i'll never get back wasted on this god-awful story!
kakiinYAY chapter 1 . 2/21/2006
i love it it's wonderfully bone -claps for you happyly-

Lorelei-Miruka chapter 1 . 1/29/2006
THIS WAS WONDERFUL! *claps* I think this is one of the best lemons i have ever had the pleasure of viewing! Its a SHAME that no one else has reviewed this! SHAME ON THEM!

Anyways, keep up the awesome lemony work.
