Reviews for Descent into Rapture
H.M.Akhlys chapter 35 . 10/19/2017
Awww...this is wonderful. Too bad, it has been almost a decade since this has been updated.
SkyHigh101 chapter 35 . 6/12/2015
Do you plan on finishing this story? Ever?
Darth-Taisha chapter 2 . 12/12/2013
Another wonderful chapter.
Darth-Taisha chapter 1 . 12/12/2013
Love this so much already!
Kinkymoods chapter 35 . 10/9/2012
Probably one of the best literary fanfics I have read. I am the one who takes joy in slow development since it makes it more relatable, though at times I felt like tossing my phone towards the wall because of it. On another note, I was expecting the 35th chapter to e the resolution, to my dismay she was still dubious to whether or not Itachi or Sasuke would take her hand in marriage.
Sigh:( I literally was on the edge of my eat waiting for Sasuke to say something .. Say anything ... But no! How dare u do this to me :( I really hope you finish this:)
Sprytes chapter 35 . 12/13/2011
Oh, interesting! This story intrigues me :), you can't figure out how it will end. And the characters have more and more depth as the story proceeds. If you decide to continue it someday, I will definitely read it! (I'm miss more ItaHina-moments/interaction, romantically or not, up the tension a bit, ah what will be will be XD) Good work!

LilBlueBear chapter 1 . 11/9/2010
please update soon! :D
The.Usual.Angst chapter 1 . 12/26/2009
liked it
nwyd chapter 35 . 11/18/2009
wow... this is so totally awesome! 3sasuhina! uh itachi's getting blind? please continue! i want to see hinata end up with sasuke!
EvilChikara chapter 4 . 7/19/2009
-tear tear- Ita-chan is such a caring big brother! -fangirl scream- haha I had to do that! xD
EvilChikara chapter 2 . 7/19/2009
x] TenTen and Naruto are too funny! lol She would kick his ass, too. xD
LucyAdair chapter 35 . 1/2/2009
I really enjoy your fics, your writing style is perfect for fanfiction. The chapters aren't too long or too short, it's written intelligently with plenty of insight into every character's past, personality and motivations and your sense of humor is brilliant. I only have one problem in this, which is your characterization of Hinata. She's just not Hinata. You've done well with her in other fanfics, but she's not herself here. I understand that her life has been completely different, she's older, more grown up, more mature and lives in a completely different universe. Naturally that might have some small effect on a character's personality. But she's just not really recognizable. I like her a lot, but she's not the Hinata who I adore from Naruto, the painfully shy ninja girl.

But I think the rest of your fic is progressive very well. I wish you'd made Itachi a little more appealing, it would have added a lot more intrigue to the plot, but it's moving a little slowly as it is (only when he is around though). You've done the best you can with him in character though, I think.

There have been some great sequences. The fight scenes were great, I felt like I was there. Hanabi is brilliant as always and I like the unusual pairings. NejiTen, ShikaIno and NaruSaku are so ridiculously overdone. I think most people forget that who a 15 year old is in love with, or spends a lot of time around, is not necessarily who they are going to pursue later in life. I don't see the point in writing fanfiction about such... Obvious pairings and situations. It's much more fun to pair two highly unlikely partners (I have a strong love for KibaIno, myself.)

I liked your symbolism with the ring. When I imagine the Hyuugas and the Uchihas as corperate demigods, I kind of imagined their logos to be a flame and a fan respectively. The ring is perfect for the sharingan. Which I think looks just fine on Hinata's pretty hand. I'm guessing the Hyuuga are find of diamonds?

I did find a few parts of the story confusing, but that's probably just me accidentally skim reading things I shouldn't. School has really gotten me into bad habits... Have you said why Itachi was kicked out yet?

Thank you very much for an extremely entertaining, enjoyable and well written story thus far. I hope to see more very soon!

SarahiNia chapter 1 . 12/28/2008
I love it!

Hinata clad in purple leader and High heel! P
lacey chapter 1 . 12/26/2008
The beginning sounds interesting, though Hinata is grossly OOC. But then, this is AU. :]
Cranberry Scoop chapter 35 . 11/21/2008
I love love love this.

If you'd update it, I'd love this more~
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