Reviews for Almost Sucks
Guest chapter 77 . 6/26
I just finished and I’m crying. I’m happy it’s over but also really sad there’s no more..This was a beautiful journey. Thank you.
Guest chapter 16 . 6/25
I love this story so far. It reminds me so much of a coming of age movie and I could even imagine it on a big screen. Even though I am very far from the ending of the story I can already see the amazing character development I’m going to endure in the coming chapters. Even though I haven’t experienced anything related to the characters experiences I still feel very deeply connected and can relate with them. The way you write the story and the characters really pulls everything together even though I really can’t see Sasuke and naruto as a couple yet. And the way you write naruto is SO frustrating (in a good way) because of how idiotic he seems it really triggers me reading his character especially because he’s almost 15 And in the anime he was more mature during that age, but also it really reminds me of home in the weirdest way like I’m visiting a long lost friend and he has me doubling back in laughter every sentence. I can’t wait to see his development. Amazing so far!
Menma Kamikaze chapter 67 . 8/21/2018
I personally think irukas nosy af and needs to back off abit
Lily chapter 40 . 3/2/2018
Well that was a short chapter
Lily chapter 25 . 3/1/2018
Oooooh! They already knew each other
Lily chapter 23 . 3/1/2018
Guest chapter 13 . 3/1/2018
Lily chapter 10 . 3/1/2018
Lily chapter 6 . 3/1/2018
I love this so much. Naruto needs to learn to calm down and back off! Lol
Lily chapter 3 . 3/1/2018
Naruto sure is persistent
Lily chapter 1 . 3/1/2018
Yay 77 whole chapters to read! I will skip any smut chapters though so probably more like 70 chapters:)
keepsakeatlas chapter 25 . 1/4/2018
I LOVE the story so far. And very realistic if I must say. Kinda relate to Sasuke and his wild side, I lived in a city area and my childhood and home life were awful tbh and I did some crazy shit (some I regret and cringe at even today), why? Because it was exhilarating and made you forget about everything, even for just one night. Though I don't agree with him chilling with Orochimaru lol My 14 yr old self and friends, would have thought it was lame af to hang with an old dude, cause we were that obnoxious. I moved to the suburbs after and I felt my life was taken away from me..I was so angry and frustrated and I hated everyone here, seeing them as anobby spoiled, and always stuck in their homes (living in an apartment, all I wanted to do was go out, I'd NEVER think about hanging out at home) but now I'm grateful my parent did that, as I got to experience a completely diff lifestyle and now have both with me. I love both the quiet and city life and I feel have both made me see things in a way I didn't expect I could, I can relate to people more and can make friends with people I wouldn't have expected. my old friends and my suburb friends are VERY different, what they like, how they hang out, almost everything is different but I love each of them and can find a way to enjoy both . Living in the city is so great and convienient but it is so convenient that it can lead to many opportunities both good and bad. I hope Sasuke realises this as well :) (sorry for the novel These few chpts were just so nostalgic)
Kaz the king chapter 65 . 1/28/2017
Fuck, this is cute AF
fannylollatoy101 chapter 1 . 1/16/2017
follow me and read some of my stories, even though this person story is the stuff
inuyashamunkey chapter 73 . 9/20/2016
loved this story!
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