Reviews for Flying Under Radar
greenovalfruit chapter 11 . 4/12/2009
I am such an idiot, I should have realised it was going to end too soon. Gah, unfinished fics! Hell's bells! Well, if you ever EVER get inspired to write a little more of this, please please please do. You can actually write worth a damn and your characterisation isn't off the wall - and I want to see what happens! So, though I understand it's really hard when so much time has passed and there's been so much character development, if you ever feel the urge - please write more!
greenovalfruit chapter 3 . 4/12/2009
I didn't even notice the tense change! A good or bad sign, I'm not sure. Exceot for that tiny slip up just earlier in the chapter. But yay, perfect tense for the shiz!
greenovalfruit chapter 1 . 4/12/2009
Bit tough getting used to the present tense (like a really long description of an episode, that you find in tv guide! lol) but this is really promising - so pleased to be reading a decent Jo/Sam fic... or any Jo fic... or any TB fic, if I'm honest!

I love getting reviews of old stories, it's so trippy. Must be weird hearing about this one again.
jaxx chapter 11 . 4/20/2006
Aw, poor Jo. Stupid Tessa, who the hell would be that insane to cheat on Jo!

Great chapter, pleae update when you can (*Sigh* stupid real life getting in the way, don't worry, we'll still be here when you update! :D )

Yokel chapter 1 . 4/20/2006
this is bloody hilarious, man. rock on!

excuse me we write star wars fic how can we critisise the almighty bill

you german krowuukankouter

rock on almighty bilsters
Emzylu chapter 11 . 4/19/2006
Aw bless. So cute. *Sob*

Looking forward to the next part whenever that may be!

EM79 chapter 11 . 4/19/2006
Aw that was just... just... aw so cute! I always love your chapters and no matter how long we have to wait in between (stupid real life!) it's always more than worth the wait. You're a star, with real talent and a scarily accurate understanding of Jo and Sam! lol
Stacey Ellen chapter 11 . 4/19/2006
like the idea of jo going to stay round sams. looking forward to the next chapter.
Stacey Ellen chapter 10 . 4/16/2006
i hope the calls from update
scrumdiddilyumptious chapter 10 . 4/14/2006
Aww, I think the phone call should be from Sam. Because of all the trouble she should have been sleep walking and Jo has to go and find her coz she don't know where she is and she's panicking. Well, whatever you think, just an idea in case you're stuck. Update soon, please.
Emzylu chapter 10 . 4/13/2006
Oh, like the way you wrote that part! And it is kind of sad to see Jo and Tess break up.


EM79 chapter 10 . 4/13/2006
This rocks as always! You had me worried there at the beginning - I actually thought Jo was going to sleep with Tessa and that just would not have been on! Am off now to wash out the inside of my head at the horrific thoughts that's just conjured up - Sam and Jo all the way! ;o)
Jaxx chapter 10 . 4/13/2006

Didn't see the update!

Woah, at least Tess has finally come clean to Jo. *Shakes fist at Tess for hurting Jo, then remembers that Sam is there*



So whose the mystery caller?
loobylu chapter 9 . 4/11/2006
Well i see you've looked after my ladies in my absence! :op ok, im ready to read over chapter 10 for ya now so gimmi gimmi gimmi!
EM79 chapter 9 . 3/26/2006
Aw but...but...but... darn Sam's rational mind! Fab as per usual hun! Beta'd or un - I'm glad to see more fic from ya always.
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