Reviews for Born the Day You Kissed Me
arielpayne31 chapter 1 . 5/11/2018

This is the story that started it all for me. This story made me a Dramione shipper. It's been ages since I've read it but I remember it like it was yesterday. This is the flagship for me. It's a wonderful story. Thank you for writing it.
LissaDream chapter 24 . 4/18/2017
Loved it! Omw to find the sequel.
The Last Deathly Guardian chapter 24 . 1/5/2013
That is sooooooo cliche, what you did there! Ugh! Why did you even did that to the both of them? It can't be the end, because so help me I will kill you!
Cheye13 chapter 24 . 7/3/2009
I think this is my... fourth? maybe fifth time reading this. I keep trying to read the sequel, but technical difficulties prevent me from it and I always have to reread this one before continuing to the sequel.

Just a few comments... I don't think the lyrics really add anything to the story, though they do make sense. There were some grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors, more so at the end.

The first time I read this, I think I cried at the end. Your writing is so captivating, I felt as if I was reading on of the actual novels. I could feel with Hermione and sometimes Draco, and there were points in the story that were so emotional... The detail and plot of your fic is astounding and I really enjoyed it. Each time I read it. On to the sequel! (Finally!)
silveririses chapter 1 . 4/11/2009
I consider myself lucky to be your 125th review. This story was the first fan fiction I ever read. Quite randomly, I clicked on your story and you got me hooked in a way that no other work has. I want to thank you for this fic, as I am sitting here now rereading it nearly two years after. It truly touched me.
Blaze Freyidi chapter 24 . 8/15/2008
I almost had a heart attack until I read your A/N...Or at least organized a riot. If a sequel wasn't in the works, that ending would have really cheesed me off.
dolliexcat chapter 24 . 5/27/2008
I first read this story when you submitted it on another Fan site, and re-reading it now I remembered how much I adored it.


Kudos, Kudos, Kudos, darling.

and although i've yet to read Apanthagus,

I'll be sure to review that soon!

TwinsConspiracy chapter 17 . 5/15/2008
WOW! That dress seemed soo beautiful!
TwinsConspiracy chapter 16 . 5/15/2008
WOW... "and was becoming entirely too amused at seeing his breath appear in the cold air.".. I loved that part... and how steamy would that bathroom be lol!

PS- I got tired of writting on ALL the chapters so I skipped... I hope you don't mind...
TwinsConspiracy chapter 3 . 5/15/2008
HAHAHA... That was so funny!
TwinsConspiracy chapter 2 . 5/15/2008
HAHAHA... I love it! and I loved his last thought...
TwinsConspiracy chapter 1 . 5/15/2008
Wow... I know You already competed this but I saved this story onto my USB and I read it on a trip I hade to go on and it SAVED me from bordom! but yea I thought I should comment on them even though I already read them, but hey that's just how I am... so I hope it doesn't bother you that I am reviewing this on every chapter...
Slytherin-Dracomione024 chapter 24 . 9/9/2007
Wow! This is was awesome! The plot was great, and I think you have the best way with words I have seen in a while! Seriously, this rocked!
2manythingstolove chapter 1 . 7/13/2007
Oh…my gosh! I love this story & I love the relationship they share. I desperately want to know wat happens next! *runs off to read sequel*

Wait, hang on, the words in the summary, which appear throughout, are they lyrics from a song by the rascall flats? If so wat genre song is it, and wat is its title?
Dracotersexiness chapter 23 . 7/3/2007
wat a great fic!
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