Reviews for Barely Cold In Her Grave, Barely Warm In His Bed
Alexxis T. Swan chapter 1 . 12/29/2010
True to the nature of Envy, for it was his envy of his father's attention tht drove him to want to fully possess the woman who used to belong to his father.

Only natural he'd be pleased to have an obedient doll to mark as his once and for all.

Slightly ironic he lusted for Sloth rather than Lust; probably because Lust might actually want him in return and he didn't want that. Also perhaps because he preferred to corrupt something innocent his own way.

If you haven't watched episode 54 of FMA: Brotherhood where Envy's true nature is revealed by Edward, then I suggest you do. Its a very heart-touching scene that makes me feel sorry for Envy and wish he could've been a good guy instead.

Anyway great work! I loved it! It was totally in character and satisfying to read. I commend your writing skills and your perception of Envy.

Yours sincerely,

~Alexxis T. Swan
NutBuster chapter 1 . 12/24/2006
M, slightly paradoxial here. Nice.

I like the way he repeated her as his, something tainted by him, and him alone.
LilyGinnyBlack chapter 1 . 7/24/2006
Ah...what a true act of envy. This fic was recommended by keeki and I'm glad that I read it. So dark, but hauntingly true, a union without love. One part connected due to a selfish desire to rid the other (completely dependent) body of another and the other part of the union done because they yet to have a will of their own. And while the tale is not a fairy one, not even a bittersweet one, it was written beautifully and I loved it. This is most certainly going on my favorites list. Keep up the great work and take care! :D

DuQaine chapter 1 . 6/22/2006
This was excellent. Masterfully crafted.. First time I've ever read anything about union without the romance :P job well done.
keeki chapter 1 . 1/16/2006
Wow ... that was uh ... different. I think I'm beginning to like this couple more and more now.
xxDream Theaterxx chapter 1 . 1/11/2006
I love that song. I have most of Nightwish's cds. glad there are more fans out there. good story and interesting pairing.