Reviews for The Geek's Guide the Military Vessels
Vadercat chapter 1 . 11/18/2018
A tame slash story, but very nicely written. You could feel the love and caring and nice to know the military didn't have an issue with their marriage.
Kattkynz chapter 1 . 4/22/2018
Have only just found these stories . Sorry!
Wish they had been the show. These are the 'Grownup' version of Atlantis would have pulled in a bigger more adult audience.
Still love the show but your stories expamd the characters make them more interesting
Could never really see the tv characters John/Rodney as you portray they were friends worried about each other etc . But you give them a different style of living and feeling about how they are with each other and how others see them like i said the grownup version.
Dont know if there are many more in this series hope so cos they are great
Dont know if you still read reviews cos seems like its more than 10years since first story posted and that damn thing called Real Life has away of catching us and demanding attention
If anymore can be found i will read with great pleasure. If not well thanks for the ones i did get to read
dragoness simplicity chapter 1 . 9/19/2012
An absolutely brilliant story. I couldn’t stop reading it. _
Choas Babe chapter 1 . 2/21/2008
You know, the part where they were talking about death not splitting them reminded me of The Princess Bride. Wesley told Buttercup "Death cannot stop true love, it can only delay if for a while." I've always loved that quote.
Hettie chapter 1 . 8/1/2007
You guys really know how to write a great yarn. I laughed, I cried, ... Ok, it didn't change my life, but really great story.

Thanks SGA Storyfinders. I thought I had read all your stories. I was wrong. I will correct that.

Thanks for sharing.
Tropicwhale chapter 1 . 4/24/2006
Okay! I liked all the pop culture referances and the pratically Douglas Adams' ref of the beginning. However the characters (except Hermiod, you nailed Hermiod) were almost completely OOC for the first half. Once you got into the fight-omg-everyone-is-going-to-go-the-way-of-the-dodo (loved that visual of Hermiod of the football, btw) scenes you got more and more better at the characters being in character. And I cried when I thought Sheppard was dead, let out a breath when I realized he lived, clutched at my necklace when he was fighting in the F302. Giggled at the NANA and TOM CRUISE WRAITH (so totally could see that) and slapped my forehead on the Ben n' Jerry's based almost-munity and Hermoid in pants. Over all a good fic (stole some lines for my "way random half thoughts" collections which saddly through some unforunate accidents I lost so yours are the first in a new collection. I wondered at the angst/humor after all how can you be sad and laugh at the same time?(dumb question as I have lived long enough to realize how very easy that phenom. occurs) Keep up the good work and keep on improving.
Dr. Dredd chapter 1 . 4/18/2006
Ah, a truly lovely story, as always. Both Rodney and the "scrawny muppet haired insomniac" were so well done. I also can't even count all the times I either laughed or snorted at parts of the dialogue. "Mothra of social butterflies." "A scientologist with possible mental stability issues" "And while you're back there, pucker up and kiss it, as well."




I loved how easy it was for John and Carson to agree with each other, and to present a united front against Rodney. Poor guy.

So, I'm assuming that this was the "Fed Ex-Lax cookies to Doctor Novak to get on the Daedalus with John" mentioned in the Guide to Holidays. If so, can I beg you to do something with the "blah blah Carson…blow-up sheep doll with shiny red lips blah blah"? :-)
JadeDragoness chapter 1 . 2/11/2006
*happy sigh* I read this when it first came out. And as I was rereading it, I realized I forgot to write a review for it. Sorry!

Once again this story is a mix of humor and action that, in my opinion, is pure genius. It had me grinning in delight, biting my nails in panic, bursting out laughing, gnawing my lips raw with worry.

I loved the plot. That Rodney basically putting himself aboard by being his regular evil self made me snigger. Let it be a lesson to the universe: Never get between Rodney and John.

And Hermiod! OMG! You both made me fall in love with a character that previously I'd only been ambivalent about!

*shudders* And the Wraith nearly feeding on Rodney...*shudders again*

*beams* Every single time I see there's a new story my heart jumps and stars beating away at a thousand beats per second...and I'm never disappointed.

Thank you so much. *claps enthusiastically*
Hakkyou no Tenshi chapter 1 . 2/2/2006
My god, this is hysterical. I love this series. IT's all very well written and it isn't over the top. They aren't out of character.

What I really want to know is want happened to make Sheppard threaten to tear the fabirc of the universe apart and how did he accomplish reseting time, as I would guess happened.

Wonderful story, wonderful series. Keep up the good work.
KitsuneHi13 chapter 1 . 1/26/2006
I loved it! _ I especially love how Sheppard would randomly make anniversaries to see the look on McKay's face! XD That was priceless!
amokeh chapter 1 . 1/24/2006
You should write for the show, honestly. I just adore your characters' interaction - it's perfect! Thanks for another great story. :)
Brooklyn L chapter 1 . 1/22/2006
Wow. Just...Wow. This was excellent! There were so many things that had me laughing out loud - Hermiod in boxers, the hand signal fiasco, disintegrating Caldwell's chair and "Now no one was Kirk" and Carson "nearly birthed a lamb by the punch bowl". I've reread it several times and each time find something new to enjoy about it. I just love your collaborations (as well as the stories you write individually). Thanks for a great diversion. Eagerly anticipating the next installment of your series!
Kodiak Bear Country chapter 1 . 1/22/2006
Yes, I'm finally getting the review to you guys! Okay, there's a very very big dictionary named Webster...and in it, are all kinds of words that mean 'wonderful'. If I wasn't lazy, I'd find all the words that basically boiled down to 'perfect, wonderful, fantastic, fun'...but then again, I'd probably run out of space. So, I'll just how much I adore you two and leave it at that. It was another awesome story and I can't thank you enough for doing these!
mouse8 chapter 1 . 1/22/2006
As always - what can I say, I've long since run out of superlatives. You pack so much into a story, incomparable humour, emphasised by such wonderful word choice, nail-biting action and lovely warm fuzzies. I liked your broken Rodney and the way you fixed him. I just loved every bit of your story. I'm sorry it takes me so long to review, but I always want to savour every sentence. You guys are simply the best!
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