Reviews for Luck From The Ashes
Tysan chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
I couldn't help emphatically seconding Rian's review. S/he? is dead on about Faramir and his usual portrayal in fanfiction and the relative political influence of the King and the Steward at this time. She expressed her thought's much better than I could.
Tysan chapter 1 . 10/14/2014
Fun, well written and not overly cutesy.

I like a Faramir showing good sense and a backbone. That is far too rare in fanfiction. I don' t think mild praise warrants an adult visibly blushing though. It seems true to character that Faramir withdraws into aloofness when feeling threatened.
Darkover chapter 1 . 10/8/2010
This was nice! Aragorn and Faramir are learning to understand each other better, and their kindness to the cats was sweet. A good story. Sincerely, Darkover
comte chapter 1 . 8/12/2010
That was a quite amusing and imaginative tale to read. Well done!

Rian Steelsheen chapter 1 . 6/21/2010
I liked this very much! Sweet Faramir animal lover is so cute!

What I truly liked is that you didn't reduce Faramir into a crying mess while visiting the House of the Stewards. In most fanfictions I've read just the thought is enough to break him down! (did anybody else notice Faramir is about the only guy in the book who didn't shed a tear at all?)

"Denethor had often berated Faramir for his inborn generosity"

You're definitively not a Denethor fan, I think? I personally can't understand why everybody hate the dude, I think he's cool. Why do you think he would be against Faramir having an animal? I rather think he's the sort of father that would leave a lot of independence to his sons, since they both seem quite responsible and he would be very busy most of the time.

"Denethor's son remained somewhat wary of disappointing his King"

That has actually become one of my pet peeves, Faramir always being anxious to please. He looks quite confident in the Book and I can't see why he would be afraid of disappointing if he does his job. I actually rather see it the other way around, Aragorn must prove himself as the new King, and, at least at the beginning, Fara is the guy he needs to make the connection between him and the people of Gondor. He is, after all, a stranger. Beside whereas Faramir as the son of the late Steward would know a lot of peoples in Minas Tirith, Aragorn has only Arwen, he is the one in need of a friend here!

I must REALLY be a maniac! :)

I liked that you mentioned Queen BerĂșthiel and her cats!

Again, this was a very good story, and I thank you for sharing it with us!
Mirach chapter 1 . 4/14/2009
Sweet! And you even mentioned Queen Beruthiel! :D
Jassmine de Blanc chapter 1 . 6/24/2008
Wow! Animal-lover!Faramir... :) This was a very sweet story, and with a deeper symbolism that it has at first look! Perfect characterization, great dynamics between the two men, and very original idea!

I shall have to read "Unfinished Tales" myself one of these days... :)
Larner chapter 1 . 11/29/2006
Very nice, Raksha. As I think you know, I love the idea that Aragorn kept animals as a child and later as King, once he had a secure place for them.
Ainaechoiriel chapter 1 . 6/23/2006
That was sweet! I love cats and I'd be very glad to see the Queen Beruthiel taboo being put to rest. If no love can be found for cats, surely a use can. Or Minas Tirith would be overrun for sure. My kitties thank you for this story.
aaron chapter 1 . 6/5/2006
There should be a rule; after reading a story, reveiw. That's my motto from now on. Except from my other one which is Always look onb the bright side of life.. anyways, on with the reveiw

They found a cat? No nmonsters? No scary things? Well, it was an odd twist, but it worked.
Captain Pagie chapter 1 . 2/7/2006
Oh, loved the story! I've been looking for a story that mentioned the Cat Lady, and I'm too chicken to write one including her. Lovely!

Rock on!


*Representin Trojan Women; It is Time for the Women of Troy**
Laerien chapter 1 . 2/4/2006
I enjoyed this immensely! This was very original. I loved how much you could show us while dealing with stray cats, how you linked past and future together in mere minutes.

Great work!
RS chapter 1 . 2/3/2006
Wonderful Read! I enjoyed this story very much! Two seasoned warriors/Rangers taking care of a cat and her kittens! I like thek comment.."wild, untamed look to it". Fits Aragorn perfectly!
steelelf chapter 1 . 2/2/2006
Commendable one shot- with a bit more work it could become even better!
Snarky Loki chapter 1 . 2/2/2006
*grin* I like it. I can imagine the two of them taking such care over a cat - perfectly in character.

A couple of times you miss a comma right before closing quotes, such as here:

"'Stay here, my lord; I will foray' Faramir said, springing forward."

Should be a comma right after "foray" and before the closing of the quotes. Other than that, picture perfect.
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