Reviews for Defying Fate: Journey of the Offworlder
Chyllen chapter 24 . 6/3/2019
You know what gets annoying is the fact you had him train a almost two years and now he's getting tired doing chores I call BS . another thing why can't he just get the details fom an enemy's mind and use warp or just teleport them their destination or just do whatever the hell he wants then obliviate them. You make him OP then drag him through mud and above is just one example you've done it though out the story so far and what about marking him as an EQUAL every time moldy shorts gets an upgrade so should he as well an EQUAL when moldy and other dude combined and the link was still open then the power upgrade he got should have went to Harry to through the link a better way would have since they combined they became a totally different person and the link between them Never happened
Chyllen chapter 14 . 6/3/2019
No I'm disappointed in him not stealing another GF
Chyllen chapter 8 . 6/3/2019
Look I know your just trying to let the readers see the bigger picture by all the POV changes but some "(most)" readers like a mystery we don't always want to know what is going on in other places we like mystery and not have everything pointed out when the main character figures out what's going on then we will
Arsenal chapter 6 . 9/5/2018
Boooooooring! Especially that last part, an attempt to generate interest with a puzzle. Gimmicky.
Arsenal chapter 4 . 9/5/2018
My main problem with this fic is that I wish Harry was smarter. If there are two suns in the sky, I would have easily figured that I may not be on my world anymore.
Not a 30year old chapter 40 . 7/22/2018
Hello from the far off land of twenty eighteen. That's how we say it nowadays. I personally would like some closure on this story. Maybe some bullet points. A hyperlink on the web to a PowerPoint would be nice. A videotape interpretive dance on the YouTube internets site would be enjoyable. Dude I totally miss you.
Foreman88 chapter 14 . 1/30/2015
Killing curse. Why did he not use it on Ultima? Ugh. Can't read anymore.
Foreman88 chapter 13 . 1/29/2015
Let's go into their sim rooms where they can record us and find counters to our abilities! Yay for idiot Harry!
Foreman88 chapter 12 . 1/29/2015
Again Harry is stupid. Accio Harry's trunk, not just trunk... And you used that bout of stupidity to get him into the blitzball game just so you could do something similar as the ff10 game? Sigh. This is something authors should NEVER do: use excuses simply to make certain events happen. Stop focusing on what you want to happen, and instead focus on what your characters would do in those situations. If you are going to make a character stupid, then make them stupid. Don't use random bouts of it that have no reason to be there.


Inpendimenta instead of stupify. Reason: casting Seth.
Not paying attention while he was invisible by the SeeD. Reason: Andrea
Not keeping a journal/copy of his memories even though he was told GFs instigate amnesia. Reason: Harry will likely forget something in the future that will be important.
Using crucio instead of the killinh curse on seth. Reason: Seth
Accepting a sacrifice from a man he does not know. Didn't even ask if he was sacrificing his soul. Reason: He is going to lose something that would have made any future confrontations with enemies much easier.

These are just the ones I remember off the top of my head. Please tell me that the excuses stop! This could be a really good story without them.

Foreman88 chapter 9 . 1/29/2015
Why does everyone make Harry into an idiot? So very frustrating to read.
Selias chapter 2 . 11/1/2014
Why the hell would snakes have a written language?
Neko-Mitsuko chapter 1 . 10/19/2014
I think you meant minotaurs not miniatures which just means a scaled down size.
SlickRCBD chapter 40 . 2/6/2014
It's been 7 years since you claimed you were not abandoning this fic and no updates. Are you sure it isn't abandoned?
redrovaredrova chapter 40 . 9/25/2013
So, it's been about six years since this story was updated. Whatever happened to "this story will not be abandoned"? It's rare to find a story filled with OCs that are actually likable...
Guest chapter 40 . 6/30/2013
Well yeah it's been a while huh? I told you I wasn't gonna abandon this fic, just that I had a lot going on, and playing WOW (World of Warcraft) takes up a lot of time when you let it, sorry about that I really am, on top of that I had a nasty nasty case of writer's block, but the creative juices seem to be flowing again and that's good. There isn't a lot left in this part of the story maybe eight to ten more chapters depending on how much content I get into each chapter. Again I'm not abandoning the fic, it might be a little while before I update again, but I am going to try to get antoher chapter out before this fic has another birthday, I might even get one out before New Years, but I'm not promising anything. Please Leave me a review I appreciate them and they do motivate me to keep going, I probably lost some readers by taking so long though. Until next time guys.
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