Reviews for Fighting the Fates
Guest chapter 7 . 4/25/2017
Ohhh my god this was so cute? I kinda just binge read the whole thing last night and oh my gosh? Your understanding of the characters is phenomenal I adore the way you write everyone, Misty especially. I love Ash and May's friendship in this as well. Everyone was just so on point. Gonna go binge read all your other works now.
LolzPkmn chapter 4 . 4/3/2017
Lol, *throws a crumpled up piece of paper that's on fire* Here your flames! I hope you consider them! XD
Mrs. Nose chapter 7 . 12/21/2015
I lol'd so hard when Ash came out of the room like he'd been in an explosion LOL
I also couldn’t help laughing when Brock said May and Drew's "conversation" wasn't even worth eavesdropping anymore. Oh, and when Max broke Brock's camera too! :,D
So many funny scenes XD
I loved that chapter! I was a little sad Drew was such a jerk regarding May's feelings though :[
But oh well, I'm really here for Pokeshipping, after all lol
Damn that seer, she was against true love 'till the end! How can that be? -Angry-
Anyways, great fanfic, like always!
I hope you're not getting bored of my reviews! -pouting-
Mrs. Nose chapter 6 . 12/21/2015
What, Misty? Why?
She was so mean to Ash (I know it wasn't her intention, but still... He was trying hard D;)
Drew was way too mean too o_O
I hope Ash and May's date will be a disaster :,D
Mrs. Nose chapter 5 . 12/21/2015
This was really cute!
Mrs. Nose chapter 4 . 12/21/2015
Haha, poor May :,D
I'm afraid Misty's turn will be even worse lol
Mrs. Nose chapter 3 . 12/21/2015
Yup, crazy Misty's the best!
Mrs. Nose chapter 2 . 12/21/2015
Yes, yes! This is too funny!
I can't believe Brock called Misty at one in the morning to tell her about the fortuneteller LOL
Brock is such a troll in this fanfic. I love it!
Mrs. Nose chapter 1 . 12/21/2015
This one seems like a lot of fun!
I can't wait to see Misty's reaction XD
Guest chapter 2 . 3/16/2013
brock rly did brake misty!
i rly like this story and cant wait to see what happens!;)
toolazytologin chapter 5 . 9/21/2012
In the manga, Drew exsists under a different name. "Emerald" lol
Brennason chapter 4 . 5/9/2012
Okay Ash admitting his love for Misty was the most adorable thing! "Mars is bright tonight." lol I love that you used a Harry Potter quote :)
LoveAndSerenity chapter 4 . 6/26/2011
Okay, I just had a few things to comment on. First, the thing about Ash only going to five years of school was thoroughly hilarious. I really wonder sometimes how much schooling that kid actually had. :)

Also, I wanted to tell you this. I'm in the middle of reading this story, but after this chapter, I had to say something. When you first wrote that May was a Spring and Ash was an Autumn, I was impressed, because I was convinced you had done some research and were going to say that Drew was also an Autumn.

This is why. According to Bulbapedia, they believe the origin of Drew's Japanese name, "シュウ Shū, can be from 秀 (excel or surpass). May also be from 秋 shū (autumn), as opposed to the 春 haru (spring) in Haruka (May)." (That's a direct quote.) I discovered this fact a little while ago, and I thought it was rather neat how they named May and Drew (or rather, Haruka and Shū) names that meant contrasting seasons. This is why I thought you had said May was a Spring-I thought you were setting it up for them to be their respective seasons.

I know this story is years old, and you probably don't even give it much thought anymore, but I just thought this was an interesting thing to note, just in case you weren't aware. I'll finish reading the rest of this story before I comment any more, but I just wanted to say this before I forgot.

However, since I'm already at it, I might as well comment on my thoughts about the story so far. I am kinda heartbroken at how May and Drew supposedly clash. I'd also like to point out, though, that when you said Winter will bring death to all that Spring brings to life, you should consider it from the other way around. Since Spring follows after Winter, it seems to reason that after Winter brings finality and closure to different things, Spring will revive them and blossom new things to grow, helping the cycle continue.

Nice job so far though, and I'm off to read the rest of the story!
ForestGuardian311 chapter 7 . 6/16/2011
Huh. Pokeshipping and Contestshipping officially, but Advanceshipping has to come in and make a mess of things. I like how the characters corresponded with certain seasons...I think that fit very nicely. And you know what? Ash, Brock, and May are right...Your destiny isn't set in stone. You have the power to change your future. (Looks pointedly at Ishizu Ishtar from Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Great job!
RandomVisitorGirl chapter 1 . 5/26/2011
WOW! this just turned into advanceshipping for a while...i wish drew was there to be all JEALOUS! but sadly no cigar...
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