Reviews for Unexpected Grace
Guest chapter 1 . 5/7/2018
I love your ADSS. Please! Please come back!
Guest chapter 15 . 3/8/2018
I read this fic over and over again. It's the best fanfiction I've ever read. I love Snape, I love Snumbledore and I love your fic! I think the relationship between Snape and Dumbledore in this story is realistic. There are many things I love about the story. I'm sorry I can't tell you about them because of lack of my English skill. (I'll comment again when I improve my English skill.)
I know it's long since you quit writing fanfiction. But I really want to read the next chapter. I'll keep checking this fic and I'll make sure I read it immediately when you update. I hope you didn't abandon this story.
Anyway, thank you for sharing a great story.
N-Miya chapter 15 . 11/19/2017
I finished reading chapter 15 just now. I love ADSS and I love your fic. I can't tell you how much I was moved by this story. I will wait even if it takes 10 years for you to write the next chapter. I'm dying to know where the story is going.
(Sorry if there are mistakes in this comment. I'm not good at English. )
Guest chapter 15 . 5/5/2017
DP chapter 15 . 6/2/2016
Please come back! We need you, THIS STORY NEEDS YOU! My life wont be complete until the story is, lol youre an amazing writer. The way you developed the story is just amazing please update it :))))
Kleines chapter 15 . 6/14/2015
Very well done!
Elfyrwyn chapter 15 . 4/26/2015
omg where are you?
Idromela chapter 6 . 2/22/2015
I love this story!
teamjacob2012 chapter 12 . 12/20/2013
teamjacob2012 chapter 4 . 12/16/2013
beautiful. it made me cry but i think that could have because its that time of the month and my emotions are all over the place
teamjacob2012 chapter 2 . 12/16/2013
obviously i am a few years to late but im speechless...i honestly dont know what to say. This is beautiful! wow. Im honestly lost for words, you need to publish a book
Jeb59 chapter 15 . 11/20/2013
aaaggghhhh another i like and cannot finish...sob sob
MrsFizzy chapter 1 . 9/30/2011
This is so lovely and well written that I am going to read it even if it is unfinished. Seems someone has the exact same thoughts as me ... I am loving it so far. 3 Thank you!
creekbottom chapter 15 . 6/26/2011
oh dear. i just stayed up till three in the morning reading this and got a dreadful jolt when i realized i was at the end and it hadn't been updated since 2009. Can't they get together? oh dear.
WhenFireAndIceBurnAsOne chapter 15 . 10/28/2010
This is an amazing written fiction. i hope there will be more i would love to see how the relationship between Severus and Albus progress from here.
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