Reviews for Against the Rules
JILLIAN chapter 18 . 2/23
Well at first, I was skeptical that Amy could have a romantic affair
with her professor, but I love it. I wish that you would've blended
it more with maybe Mamoru/Darien having scenes with Serena and
maybe meeting Akira and talking to him, but the forbidden
love story was great.

It was just as great as Darien and Serena's.
I hope someday you'll do a continuing sequel.
Markus Ramikin chapter 6 . 5/8/2017
Nice story. Competent writing throughout.

I gotta say, though, it's just so annoying to see protagonists being stupid in /predictably avoidable/ ways. And yes, I know it's more work for the writer to get drama going without it.

Also, gratuitous Japanese seems to be a plague in this fandom...
myzor king of war chapter 1 . 8/10/2016
can you do one of Asanuma and makoto
myzor king of war chapter 18 . 8/10/2016
This needs a sequel or something I mien she just agreed to marry him and no wedding scene its great they are together tho.
AmyRoselover chapter 18 . 8/1/2016
I absolutely love this story. It was perfect, from beginning to end. It always kept my attention, and I read it all the way through without stopping. I would actually like to see a sequel to this story and see how the lives of the Sailor Senshi will be with them as Usagi's Guardians, as well as having their own lives or married.
JBubbles chapter 18 . 8/4/2013
Ah! The end. It sounded a little rushed... He find it easier to believe in the future than her being Sailor Mercury? I know Ami doesn't lie but...

I liked the whole fic, the idea of Mako-chan ending with Asanuma-kun and the whole scandal love life that the prudish, intelligent AMi couldn't have. This fic was refreshing, kudos to you!
mizublue chapter 18 . 4/5/2013
i love this story it really kept me in to it. Awesome.
TirOrah chapter 18 . 4/30/2011
Wow...this was a truly beautiful story. I almost can't figure out what to say, really.

I'm not accustomed to read such a long and in-depth drama (unless it's MakoAmi *laughs*) so it was hard at times, but from chapter 6 and onward it became a real page-turner for me.

Though there were signs, yes, I was really surprised at the psychopath Yui became over the course of later chapters... And it was completely believable. As Haruka once said in another fic, she an emotional basket case. o.o

I'm glad things ended the way they did, which should tell you enough. All of the characters were well written, especially the original ones, all considered. This was a truly realistic and gut-wrenching story to read. I'm very relieved to see you finished it, as well - I don't think I could've handled a cliffhanger on top of all the drama. XD

Thanks for an amazing read!

Ja ne!
dittoeevee8888 chapter 18 . 6/21/2010
Well, I loved this story. It was really dramatic, something that I swore made me slightly closer to a heart attack.

Anyways, I've had several problems with this story. One of them, was simply how [i]easily[/i] (in my opinion) with how Akira & Ami got let off. Like, I mean, it's definitely a good thing, but how the Dean was accusing Akira like that, it seemed unrealistic that Akira was going to be let off like that. (Akira pessimistic views didn't really help his cause either.)

Another one, slightly minor, and it's probably me just being overly picky, but the fact that the honorifics and the "Ms.", "Mr." etc. were also used. I'm in the belief that the -san honorific is similar to using Ms./Mr. in English, so that was a little bit annoying, but probably just me being overly picky, again.

Lastly, this one is really minor and ridiculous, but I felt the chapters were much too long. Some seemed like they were 10 pages in length, others seemed 5-ish. And that's annoying when you're trying to read FanFiction and study for exams [yes, I'm sure that's a no-no, but distractions are a must sometimes]. But besides that, it's also annoying when you're trying to do two things at once, or trying to find a place to break to do something else.

Anyways, I loved the plot. Kept me on my toes (not literally of course). I felt it was sort of obvious that Yui was going to do something (not sure whether or not that was intentional), and considering the nature of this fic, it was kind of obvious that she was going to do something like that.

I also loved the Akira & Ami romance. It seemed sweet, and the way that it came to be made it really convincing that they truly loved each other.

Would have liked to see what is the end result of Akira & Ami, (maybe even Makoto & Ittou), but not completely necessary. I felt that you ended it well, even without an epilogue.
Saffron chapter 18 . 5/27/2010
Just finished the story and I loved it!

I also saw your drabble post but after you said that you wanted to write about other characters. If you do it again, I would love to see you explore Ami/Akira more (ex. Vows, Honeymoon, etc).

Love the characters, although I thought that the last 3 chapters were rushed to get to the ending.
00j gd ett oo h fsjj g s d chapter 18 . 3/5/2010
It is absolutely amazing that two supposedly brilliant people could be so absolutely naive and stupid. I like Ami but she annoyed the hell out of me in this story. I must confess that I was more interested in Makoto's relationship with Asanuma but it got lost in all the Ami scenes. I felt the story was too long, a lot of the trip away could have been cut or skipped completely as I couldn't really see the relevance to the story line except to show that they really liked each other. There were plenty of other scenes to demonstrate this for us.

All that said, you write extremely well and your spelling and grammer is quite excellent. I liked the plot but simply wish it had been shorter. Perhaps if it had been about Usagi and Mamoru I would feel differently but thats just my taste. I look forward to reading more of your stories:)
Book.Lover.A.F chapter 18 . 2/13/2010
I have to say, I love this fanfiction.

Ami/Amy has always been one of my favourite characters of the Senshi/Scouts, so I'm glad that I've been able to find a long story based around her.

The fanfiction was nicely planned, and I enjoyed all of the 'fluff' between Akira and Ami.

Keep Writing!
Larom chapter 1 . 1/13/2010
This is kind of misleading. From the description and the characters in the first and secondary places, it seemed to me like this was MakotoxAmi. Would have been a nice story too...
DarkBlueHated chapter 1 . 5/28/2009
Hm, interesting story. Wonder how Makoto fits into all of this?
Blossom of Death chapter 18 . 3/4/2009
This was a really enjoyable story to read! Great job!
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