Reviews for Stations of the Cross
Guest chapter 15 . 1/2/2018
Wow. This set of moments that you put words to was powerful.
JackieStarSister chapter 15 . 3/19/2016
This is beautifully poetic. It sounds like baptism, only without the rebirth that is to come later.

This entire project is lovely in its concept and execution. Thank you for writing and sharing this.
JackieStarSister chapter 14 . 3/19/2016
Interesting. Is the relic a piece of Jesus' cross? I'd heard of pieces of it being preserved. Is this supposed to be a particular battle in history, or just a scenario you thought up?
JackieStarSister chapter 13 . 3/19/2016
I used to have trouble formatting poems on this website as well, until I learned the trick: to prevent spaces between lines, hold down the Shift button when you press Enter/Return. Then you can make separate stanzas using the gap of space instead of line breaks.
JackieStarSister chapter 12 . 3/19/2016
I think to be grammatically correct/consistent, "as if it had been" should be "as if it were".
JackieStarSister chapter 3 . 3/18/2016
I once wrote a poem about the cross, but I thought of it in earthly terms. I figured it might have reminded Jesus of trees or carpentry. I really like your idea of an angel keeping watch over it and inspiring the person who constructed the cross.
PetiteBelle chapter 15 . 2/2/2008
Beautiful depiction of the final stages of Christ's time on earth. I particularly enjoyed the chapter on the Seed (very thought invoking, that heaven had prepared for this day in many ways), the chapter on Broken (which I believe to be my favorite, something to chilling about that thought, something the soldier would never fully realize) and the Rose. Wonderful story. And thank you for stepping out of the safety zone here online to express your beliefs.

Petite Belle
Operatastic SuperSop chapter 1 . 10/17/2006

something else that amused me... you have 15 chapters, and that's my favorite number... ok, sorry! I just had to say it. :P
P'tfami chapter 15 . 9/25/2006
Good job on finishing the piece.

You've given different perspectives (your unique perspectives) on the 14 stations that were were mostly thought provoking in content.

I hope you don't tire of hearing this, but you do have a very creative gift for literature esp. in deftly choosing wording for your imagery.

take care,

Operatastic SuperSop chapter 15 . 9/24/2006
This... is my favorite of favorite stories. I'm going to write you a good review.

You write highly well. Praise God! You moved me to tears. Your speech is like poetry, forever singing in my heart. How original to present the stations of the cross like this. Good job.
nathan-p chapter 15 . 9/6/2006
Okay, so I'll admit it. I've heard bad things of you, so I came to see for myself.

And (slightly to my surprise), you're *good*.

I mean, really.

On this fic specifically... it brings everything into a human perspective. It makes it real, especially the last chapter, where we the readers get involved.

I think you just earned yourself quite a few happy rereads from me.

NalunaSol chapter 15 . 4/27/2006
Very good! I really like how you presented something original for every one of the stations. Nothing too long, but always with great meaning. I really enjoyed reading this.
bahaghari chapter 15 . 4/22/2006
Breathtaking imagery. Literally 'breath' taking... like I'm drowning.

In this chapter, everything is so alive... the water, the emotions. By narrating it this way, you draw the reader's attention to the story and make him/her feel what's happening. Opening the story with "You slip beneath the surface of the water." is a clever stroke-it makes the reader a part of the story.

Thanks for letting me visualize what you saw, feel what you felt... this piece is very important in this site... because people write to demean Jesus, others are too focused on writing about issues... we seldom see a story that proclaims the sacrifce Christ made-the most beautiful thing that happened in this world. *feeling the air for flying daggers* I know, not everyone appreciates that act of sacrifice, others see it as stupid. But in the eyes of a Christian, it is the one of the most beautiful things that happened, apart from the Resurrection.

You did a very good job, vash. I hope to see more of your works here.

Oh, and, this girl's not THAT matured, for there are so many things bahaghari must learn. Let's just say that I've opened my eyes to certain realities... worlds that I'm becoming a part of and I, a part of it.

Protestant, Catholic... they are just religion, they have value in a person's life, but when you die, God will not ask you what is your religion. He'll ask what you've done in your lifetime, the lives you've touched, and what you've done for him.

my email is an option if you want to respond.

Thanks for the responses... and the reviews.
bahaghari chapter 14 . 4/21/2006
And that 'wood' saved his life.

Very descriptive, and emotive, for a three-paragraphed fic.
FoxFyre33 chapter 15 . 4/21/2006
Wow you really did a great job with this. Every "chapter" is unique and has something in it to touch the soul. I think it gives us a greater appreciation of these divine events to take the time to consider these different aspects and perspectives...

There is no limit to how much one can gain from the study of the holy mysteries of Redemption.

Those who believe that they have to discard Truth in order to be "original" are missing the point as well as missing out on the most profound and limitless source of inspiration that there is...

Anyway, this is a very good illustration of artistic originality that never compromises Truth. Nice work!
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