Reviews for Folded Hands
izzyru chapter 31 . 5/18/2018
it's a real shame to see amazing stories, much like this one, be left unfinished and dead. Love your story and I hope to see more from it soon.
cmkyrian chapter 31 . 12/8/2017
Guest chapter 31 . 4/8/2017
great story loved it
Guest chapter 31 . 7/10/2016
This was an amazing story up until the part where you added team 7 in the story then it just went downhill from there otherwise I liked it. I'd give it 3/5
Guest chapter 26 . 1/6/2016
I wanna see your Sai drawing! My deviantart is bubblesishot46853 and send it in a note!

Also, I feel really bad for that ink lion...I wanna hug it so much!
TwinzLover chapter 31 . 3/26/2015
Please update. It's been a long time, but if you are still around this should be a priority!
lmc9389 chapter 4 . 3/16/2015
Im sure it well written but i cant read it with haku being a guy, just cant get passed that gay shit
AmegakureAngel chapter 31 . 4/8/2014
The way you write is simply so interesting and a real joy to read. They way you write for Zabuza and Haku is spot on and their relationship is awesome as well as how you write for Sasuke. Please update. I would really like to see Haku and Zabuza back together. Really great job.
Just A Thought chapter 24 . 7/29/2013
What an amazingly, well written piece of work. I just can't understand why its left unfinished. Oh, well here's to hoping you'll come soon to complete it.
AllthingsNaruto chapter 4 . 7/23/2013
This is actually a pretty good story, about this couple. I've wonder about the two and here it is. Thanks for writing and please update.
tea time at six chapter 31 . 4/17/2013
Oooh! Interesting! I really love this- please update soon! (you have amazing art btw)
Oh, but about Aka... Will she survive the birht? I mean, I've never seen a 12-year-old that's survived a birth...
Infinity Comes To A End chapter 1 . 3/14/2013
Thought this was a female haku story.

You just had to throw me that big "Fuck you" in chapter 2, didn't you?
Blunette chapter 31 . 3/10/2013
NO! THAT'S THE END?! *le gasp*
okay, so I'm just gonna warn you now, I have allot to say, so feel free to just not read this and move on hehe.
First of all, I really love this story (so no worries, I'm not gonna put any complaints in this) and I love the way Haku is so loved and respected among the other Konoha students. I especially love Haku in disguise lol, that one cracked me up.
I think that the whole situation with Aka is nice, but I'm really hoping that she'll -formally- meet Haku (or recognize how they look similar) soon. It would be cute if Aka (who's like 13-14, right?) looked up to Haku as her older brother eventually (since he's like 17 right?).
I also love the relationship between Sasuke and Itachi. I found it sorta weird at first (not disturbing, just unique), but now I actually think it's super cute.
In fact, this story itself is really unique and I love it, so I hope thta you'll update soon so I can read it :3
Maxsunny chapter 31 . 2/26/2013
Oh my god! What the hell, everyone wants to know what happens, update the fucking story.
Makkoska chapter 31 . 7/31/2012
In case you still read your reviews here - I really loved this story, and was sad to find it unfinished. If you ever continue, I'm sure to folow!
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