Reviews for Gravitation
EIpy chapter 15 . 12/31/2017
Hopefully, you will have enough time and motivation to continue this in 2018, because I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Guest chapter 15 . 6/25/2017
June of 2017 called, they said they want their story! In all seriousness, I hope the story is chugging along at it's own rate! I loved every bit of the story and I can't wait for more! I literally just bing read the entire story in one day, I hope to see the story soon and I hope school has gone well!
Lady Kaliska chapter 15 . 7/30/2016
I'm happy to read that you seem to be doing well. People can be jerks like that. It's fanfiction, it's not like you were writing to get a Newberry writer's award for Pete's sake. I've always thought this was a fun read, and still came back to check on it long after I lost interest in WoW, for similar reasons as your own. (they should have left the legends, legends...) Honestly if you can, continue your education. It's like you think you can come back to it, but it's so damn hard! I understand the feeling of nitpickers. I started writing young and it does hurt when people pick apart your work or straight out flame you. I came to the conclusion, haters are going to be haters, and often when you look at those people's profiles, they have no work up or... if they do, it looks like a grammatical train wreck in the summary alone. I wish you the best regardless if you come back to it or not, I think it is a very nice story.
Fragile Dream chapter 15 . 7/30/2016
Glad you've decided to come back to this. I'm kind of late to the party so my wait hasn't been nearly as long as that of others. Looking forward to the new version :)
h34rt1lly chapter 15 . 7/29/2016
yay! while you're right that it isn't quite the update I hoped for, this is almost better news, in my opinion. Your story was one of few that inspired me to write my own work, and it's always exciting to see fellow artists be re-inspired on their own work. I loved this story when I first read it, and I'm sure I'll love the reboot even more. good luck with everything in your life and I can't wait until you start posting the reboot! I'll be here
Guest chapter 14 . 1/29/2016
I felt the pain Shayl and Illidan felt when they had to be apart when I first read the series. Now I'm reading it again, it still hurts! I actually cried xD And I like the way how you described each scene and emotion that the characters portray. It has been a while since you last updated it but it would definitely be nice if this story would have a short continuation leading to its end.

Definitely one of my Illidan fanfics! And I will absolutely read this over and over again from time to time. Hope you have a good one!
Rio's Desire chapter 14 . 9/24/2015
Love your story, it's pretty great, it has had me glued to the screen reading it for days!
Fragile Dream chapter 14 . 7/30/2015
I found this story a few days ago, and it really sucked me in. But seeing that it hasn't been updated in over six years, I doubt it will get its conclusion, and that's really a shame. WoW fanfiction is abundant, but there are so few stories that are as well thought out and written as this one. It's understandable though, as writers tire of certain fandoms over time. But if you ever do decide to conclude this amazing tale, I will surely be happy to read :)
Azerate chapter 12 . 9/10/2014
Wow!Nice work with the fic,it makes me wanna relapse and go play Wow again just to see the places from the story :D
P.S. Your music taste is awesome!
Misty Moonstorm chapter 14 . 3/23/2014
I absolutely love this story! Please post the next chapter, I look forward to reading what will happen between Shayl and Illidan next! :D
Anon chapter 14 . 7/26/2013
Please update your story! I absolutely love this story!
Leopardlovergirl chapter 14 . 5/1/2013
Wow the story is soo AWESOME! Please keep it up. I love love it XD!
Tiamat chapter 11 . 1/22/2013
do not even know how to call it... something most idiotic i ve ever seen.
BlackDragon741 chapter 14 . 9/28/2012
I very much love this story, and I was quite saddened to see how long it's been since you updated. I hope you'll one day decide to continue writing, this fic is a true gem, really. Please, please, please start writing again!
skyblueocean chapter 1 . 8/30/2011
Please update this story soon! I miss having new updates...and reading about Illidan and Shayl. This is one of the best Illidan fics I've ever read-it'd be sad to never see it finished!
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