Reviews for Brothers
Convenient Alias chapter 1 . 4/2/2016
Peter and Ender are an interesting pair, especially when you remember Locke. And I love how Ender is so hesitant here, after not seeing Peter for so long, so unsure how to act around him. And Peter just kind of does whatever. Typical.
CountryGrl chapter 1 . 11/10/2013
Okay, this was really great. I think I may have to believe it as a missing section. Particularly that "we're not friends, but we're each other's..." That was gorgeous. Excellent handling of Peter. Thanks for sharing.
Veggielover1 chapter 1 . 10/16/2013
This was awesome! it perfectly characterizes the relationship between ender and Peter. and the setting was just perfect. i loved this short through and through.
Arreter chapter 1 . 7/4/2012
"You think you're alone. But you've got Valentine and you've got me, and the three of us, we're not friends, but we're each others and you won't ever be alone, you ugly little bugger-loving Third. Now kick the bugger's ass for me."

I love that. I feel like this story was in "Ender's Game," like OSC actually wrote this. You really have a handle on the Peter/Ender relationship.

Also, I've always wondered why Ender asked for Valentine instead of Peter.
"Let her remember him as her beloved, innocent little brother, not the monster he was now."
Jane chapter 1 . 12/1/2011
I loved it. Wow. Amazing. I love the insight into what Ender's going through and his relationship with Peter. You really nailed it. The only thing I would change is the slang- I feel that by this time in the book, Peter has reached a point where he must sound professional. Whether it's to impress the world or for his own self-image, he likes sounding extraordinary. Mature. He wants to be recognized as a leader, and I think he would be a bit more grammatically correct. Other than that, though, I absolutely loved this.
blurr chapter 1 . 8/18/2011
BWAAAAAAAAWWWWL this is what i wanted

;ldfkg;dllgkdlk ender and peter kill me so hard.

especially because peter is an incredible character and the amount of pain in the relationship between him and his brother is
Violet Saphira Darling chapter 1 . 10/5/2010
This story was well written, but your "peter" and "ender" characters were not like in the book. Ender would really say those things, and neither would peter. it's not their personalities. But it's an interesting story
Anbessette chapter 1 . 10/5/2010
This was awesome. Really interesting and in character. It read like it was part of the book.

"You think you're alone. But you've got Valentine and you've got me, and the three of us, we're not friends, but we're each others and you won't ever be alone, you ugly little bugger-loving Third. Now kick the bugger's ass for me." This line grabbed me hard. He needed to hear that badly.
vgb chapter 1 . 8/20/2010
pure awesomeness. please write more ender fics
Confused chapter 1 . 12/3/2009
So he does see Val in the end right?
Silver-Misty90 chapter 1 . 1/20/2009
that was a great fic. you captured and enhanced Ender's and Peter's characters to the max. well done. you deserve it.
AllyOz chapter 1 . 9/27/2008
Wow! I didn't think OSC FF would be very good, as it would be hard to top OSC, but you did a wonderful job and definitely proved me wrong. You captured the Ender/Peter relationship very well and I got sucked right in! Brilliant.
gabo0 chapter 1 . 7/21/2008
Brilliant! My eart breaks everytime I think that, in canon, they never actually clicked as brothers.
010101010111111 chapter 1 . 6/13/2007
I LOVE this oneshot, it's amazing. The EnderPeter relationship in a nutshell. Nice job!
Shulblaka Saphira chapter 1 . 4/12/2007
And the point of him seeing Valentine now is? He's raring to go now, right? Argh, whatever. Nicely done though, you kept to Peter's nature. Keep up the good work.
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