Reviews for Cereal Aisle
cmtaylor531 chapter 18 . 5/26/2011
loved this story. I miss the Roomies.
thejacinthsong chapter 18 . 4/26/2010
A wonderfully written story.
jcap1526 chapter 18 . 7/24/2009
Sweet, sweet story! You both have a good feel for the characters, even in this AU situation. Very well done.
Miss kg chapter 18 . 7/22/2009
I just came across this fanfic and totally loved every chapter of it.
Zesylene chapter 18 . 6/4/2007
Only just came across your fic after seeing your ficwriter name on a review for another fic. Just began reading fics and getting into the whole online "roomie" community a week or two ago although have always loved the Roomies... this is one of the best fics of them I have read... absolutely loved it. Btw I think you wrote Carter's character in this absolutely perfectly, I could envision the scenes he was in as though I was actually watching it. Great Work.
H.J. Lovers chapter 1 . 5/6/2007
Amazing! enjoyed this fic!
sunnycouger chapter 18 . 4/9/2007
That was really wonderful. I just spent hours reading this back toback and it was well worth it. It was great to read and I love your depiction of their relationship - plus it had a happy ending which I was hoping for. So thank you for writing this. :)
Henia1977 chapter 18 . 3/20/2007
great entertaining story, you rock. I need to read more of your stories.
AishRay chapter 18 . 3/20/2007
You girls are gifted with such writing skills. This story reads like a novel. I loved every bit of it, in fact I loved it so much that I lost track of time. This was a Reela story, but I loved the characters of Emily, Brett, Carter and yeah even Weaver's part! The emotions in this story, I felt, was so real and close to reality.

I am now rushing and looking forward to read 'Cleanup on Aisle 2'

Keep up the great work girls and whenever you have time continue writing!
Atashi Desu chapter 18 . 12/26/2006
I have one word that will sum up this whole thing perfectly. potashinellsheelkinerf! (I had to make up a word to properly describe the awesome-ness that seeps out of every orifice of this story) It rules! I loved it! Woot and Booya!
funkyfairygirl chapter 18 . 12/15/2006
wow. that kept me on the edge of my seat all the way through. loved the way you wrote the scene between Ray and his Dad.

May have been a little OTT with the 'i love you' at the end of practically every chapter, but didn;t detract much.

i feel all warm and mushy noe. Well done!

YOUPIN chapter 1 . 11/28/2006
Good job
helaluvE chapter 18 . 10/22/2006
OH MY GOD! this story is amazing! i really loved it! you guys are very talented. i wanna say so many things i don't even know where to start! First i'd like to say that it was very well written. your choice of words made my heart bit faster many times.

i want to say that i loved the way you pictured Reela and espacially Ray who absolutely cute and adorable! Brett was so funny and his fights with Emily were priceless and unforgettable lol

The plot and the dialogues where great and funny. i hated their father and i was sorry to hear that one of you know this kind of people! i do too ( well it wasn't that bad but i know the kind).

i'm gonna read the sequel right now! great job guys! there's no words meaningful enough to tell you how much i loved this story. oh yeah i forgot, i loved the role that Carter played. he was my fav character of the show and i really miss him.

anyway, sorry i'm rambling, it's just that i really loved it :)

keep going guys, you're a good team :D

p.s: i've added you to my fav story list :)
methehuman91 chapter 2 . 10/20/2006
hey, you're brilliant! This story is great, one of the best I've read for ages!
Werid-O-Ville chapter 4 . 8/15/2006
fantastic now im going to go and read the sequal
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