Reviews for Metal Gear Sunnydale: Snake's Beginnings
blackmagelikesevilpie chapter 13 . 2/24/2016
Wow, after reading Queen of Blood on Spacebattles I went looking to see if you had other stories, I had not realized you were a BtVS author as well.

As I have only played the first part of MGS1, I can't say I get too much of what is going on behind the scenes but it was a thoroughly enjoyable read. Mixing the game and TV show was very well done.

I realize this is dead, the last update was 10 years ago! The last review is almost 4 and a half years old. However, I still wanted to let you know that I read and enjoyed this very much.

I will continue to follow you on Spacebattles, your story there is completely epic.
SeanHicks4 chapter 13 . 9/27/2011
Cool story, shame it appears to be abandoned.
Naosj chapter 2 . 1/11/2011
My personal bias against Xander makes this story thoroughly and absolutely unreadable. In fact it's quite nauseating.

And by the way, in case any one felt something was a little off, yes Gray Fox's proper name is Frank Jaeger. If you were going to change anything, you should have replaced Riley with Frank.
Blackfang1983 chapter 13 . 10/29/2008
hook up xander with sam
Silent Hill Citizen chapter 13 . 10/26/2008
I'm Sorry to say I Forgot all about this Story till I saw it Today,but I have to say,It's even better then when I first read it,I'm a Huge fan of Metal Gear and I love what your Doing with the Plot line,Please keep Writing,I'd hate for this story to Remain Unfinished!
anonymous chapter 1 . 10/7/2008
I was intrigued with your fic. I couldnt help, the crossover seemed so improbable that I had to see how you would handle it. And at first I was like this is good. But seriously, making that j*rkoff Riley be superior to Solid Snake? Thats just... I cant even begin to how wrong that is. The guy was a tool in the series, who pretty much failed at everything in the show. Considering some of the stuff Snake has run in to over the course of the games, Riley couldnt even compare to that. Other than that logistical failure in this fic, its otherwise good.
Getzeye Dragon1 chapter 11 . 9/25/2008
Awesome, more history! Good to see this still up
HolyKnight5 chapter 11 . 9/24/2008

Madness it's coming!
Arkeus chapter 10 . 4/23/2007
yeah...not the direction i like. i'll still read it, but it seems that you have destroyed my favorite characters, and twisted my seond favorite (xander and faith) into things i am not sure i like either...

interesting story though.
Arkeus chapter 6 . 4/23/2007
hum...i am not sure i like where this is going :/ your characters have nothing in common with the ones we know, and those aren't even the ones i like :/

At least it's well written.
Arkeus chapter 5 . 4/23/2007
Hum...Quick change of mind from faith, less realistic than in canon :/ After all, faith did quite a few very cold thing herself!
Arkeus chapter 4 . 4/23/2007
ouch, faith as the good girl, and buffy as not:/ ? Sniff. And Adam is still alive, or is that grey fox?
Arkeus chapter 3 . 4/23/2007
hum, poor faith :-)

at least willow was somewhat mentioned :/

great work so far!
Arkeus chapter 2 . 4/23/2007
Great, though there is no mention of willow. Is she dead, or are you just conveniently forgetting her?
Arkeus chapter 1 . 4/23/2007
I do hope we are not going to have too many flashbacks, and i quite liked your style and the beginning. Wishing that it's not just xander in the story, even though this is obviously xander-centric.

Oh, an it'll be cool if you continued :p
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