Reviews for Did you miss me
Leigh Adam chapter 42 . 2/25/2012
I know this story has been around a while, but it was only now I found it in the archive and am very glad I went through and read it. A very good story, I like your characters and chapter lay-out, using each episode as a base. Good story!
Paradoxpixie chapter 22 . 9/11/2011
You couldn't have included Lee's letter?
Paradoxpixie chapter 18 . 9/11/2011
But you forgot the kiss to his father's forehead before he left to the brig. That was the last thing Lee did in that episode.
Paradoxpixie chapter 8 . 9/11/2011
It's funny how doctors like to keep their patients in beds longer than the patients like. I was once in the hospital for 5 days just so I could be hooked up to a machine for 1 hour a day. Drove me nuts, and it was most depressing, especially since it was the weekend and there was nothing to watch on TV, and I was weak as I was still recovering from major surgery a few weeks prior. I kept thinking "Let me go home in between treatments, I'll come back, I promise". Of course, given the seriousness of the condition I was in for, I had to stay in case a change in treatment was required.

I also love what you are doing with Ali. Bipolar Disorder (aka Manic-depression) runs in my family. I never see it displayed accurately or well in media. TV shows like to over-play it and give it a really bad rep. My mother's problems began shortly after I was born, and worsened after my brother was born, so I find your take on this most interesting. And your doing such a good job of displaying it that I wonder if you have personal experience.

Anyway. I'm enjoying the story very much. I'm re-watching the series right now on netflix and decided to check and see if I could find some fanfics that worked on the Lee/Kara stuff. But quickly decided I'd rather read about the Father/son relationship.
Paradoxpixie chapter 5 . 9/10/2011
In a water crisis such as the one they were in, the only thing they'd be using water for would be drinking and ship functions (assuming there are any). Showers would be a NO-Go until they had replenished their supply. That's one reason why tensions get so high in a water shortage, everyone starts to stink, and then they have less to drink.
Darthme1011 chapter 42 . 11/9/2010
Sequel please tell me its coming along just reread this and really want the sequel
VegittoGR chapter 42 . 6/16/2009
Is there any chance that you are currently writing the sequel? I 'd love to know what happens next :)
gta manic chapter 42 . 5/14/2009
Great story from start to finish with some choppy moments and it wouldn't hurt to have some more characters, but i get its Lee centered. I hope you continue with this story there isn't many like this, so hope a sequel is on its way
cflat chapter 42 . 4/20/2009
Great story. I hope you get around to writing that sequel sometime soon!
igore chapter 1 . 3/21/2009
Alright, so I love this story, a lot, it's actually my favorite for many many different reasons. The main one being that it has a believable K/L relationship. That said, now that the TV series is over, I hope you continue the story, cause with the ways you were able to twist and turn this story for season 1-2, I'd love to see what you do for 3-4. So I implore you, please finish this story.
fandomorama chapter 42 . 5/3/2008
gods, i loved this story!

so fraking awesome!

what a journey it was! i enjoyed every chapter, i don't remember a bad one.

I LOVE YOUR WRITING STYLE! i love the way you describe my fave pilots, i love the ways you draw every scene, every feeling. you do it really really good.

I'll follow your stories wherever it takes me!

Please keep writing! :D
bhoy1888 chapter 42 . 3/28/2008
got to make a sequal to this story love it..
MagikDragon chapter 42 . 3/25/2008
Awesome story Lee and Kara are my all time fav pairing
time16 chapter 42 . 3/24/2008
Wow, it was amazing from the Start to the End. I hope you will write a sequel.
Serrafina chapter 42 . 3/24/2008
I'm not sure if I've reviewed this story before, but I think I started reading a few updates ago. I had been hesitant to read this because A) I didn't like the idea of Lee being married to someone who wasn't Kara, and B) I was afraid it would be like the whole Gianne thing in Black Market, which annoyed me. But then I read it anyway and it was very good and I look forward to the sequel.
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