Reviews for Destiny Can Wait
Sfloresf chapter 16 . 6/19
Hello Stephanie C... I’m so Thrilled and elated when I saw another chapter to your wonderful story. I have been following you on Tumblr... I like the art drawing. So, this was a very eventful chapter. Anakin still having his doubts about his feelings towards Jeswi and Sors. I’m so glad Padme is there guiding him through his fears and doubts. I was kinda sad that Barris and Kornell have decided to part ways after the Doctors contract expires. I was surprised when Fermus, Roan and Trevor went to the Skywalker home. Their meeting was very interesting. I really liked when Fermus told Anakin that their rivalry was over and now they were adults and needed to ban together. Padme and Anakin’s decision to adopt Sors and Jeswi was surprising. I’m curious to see how that’s gonna work out. I’m so terrified that Darth Sidious and Darth Avel know that Anakin and Padme still live. This story is now on a higher level of intense. I really hope your inspiration continues. Thank You for the update. I appreciate your dedication to your story and your readers. Please Stay Safe. ;)
MaylinaBlack chapter 16 . 5/26
Thank you very much for the update, I despair to read something good and you appear with a new chapter. Each time it is more interesting and more desperate for the continuation.
Jadaerys chapter 16 . 5/25
canon padme would surely adopt those jedi kids
Guest chapter 15 . 4/30
Please update!
Sfloresf chapter 15 . 4/15
Hello There... This is an AMAZING chapter! I’m so glad that Anakin recovered from the explosion. Honestly, I was dreading that the Emperor was going to find Anakin. Then as Padme went to Coruscant to retrieve Anakin, that was so brave of her... The theories that Padme, Obiwan and Barris had in regards to Darth Sidious wanting Anakin to be his apprentice were surprising but they all had some truth. I’ve often thought that Chancellor Palpatine put the nightmares in Anakin to weaken and trap him as Padme suggested. I also agree with Obiwan, that Anakin’s nightmares were like a metaphor to “Kill his relationship with Padme.” It all came to Sidious’ manipulations... I was surprised on Anakin’s reaction to Sors and Jeswi... Will his visions come true? Thank You SO much for the update. You truly brighten my day. Especially during this horrible pandemic. I appreciate you sharing your writing talent with readers like me. It makes this quarantine more tolerable. Please Stay Safe and Healthy. :)
aigneis chapter 15 . 4/13
Awww such nice revelation! I love concept of Anakin&Padme with big family :-) They deserve to be happy. I hope Palpatine soon will be gone.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/7
Love your update! Hope Anakin would learn to be less impulsive and less obsessed/ overwhelmed with fear. And communicate more with Padme. Love the Skywalker family!
MaylinaBlack chapter 15 . 4/7
Hello, I have been hooked on your story for a long time and I loved it, I am also happy with the new update, I really liked this chapter and I wonder if later you would add something of the current canon, like Ashoka, I will continue to watch the story. Kisses
saludos desde argentina.
Jadaerys chapter 15 . 4/6
i’ll be reading all the chapters again, i seem to have forgotten bits of the story :)) thank you for updating
Vero Diaz chapter 14 . 9/24/2019
Please update soon
Sfloresf chapter 14 . 6/24/2019
First of All Thank You for not giving up on this Story. It’s an AMAZING story. This chapter was so Intense and Captivating. I like the fact that Luke and Leia are made to be very normal children with Incredible Force Powers. The story is getting more Intriguing and Exciting. I’m very intrigued by the cliffhanger... I’m on the edge of my seat... so please.. I desperately need another update... AAAHHH! Thank You.. :]
angie chapter 14 . 6/22/2019
Wow, I was surprised to find an update to this great story, it is so nice to see an update! This is really good, I hope Anakin will be okay, and Padme will not get into trouble herself if she goes to Coruscant. I love the way you had the twins jealous of the two other kids, that is so realistic, not wanting to share their mother. Such a sad situation for the poor kids to have been in. Thanks for the long update, hope you can continue and finish this eventually.
sodorland chapter 14 . 6/23/2019
So glad to see the update! Seriously worried about Anakin and Padme now.
Guest chapter 13 . 4/25/2018
Love your story! Please, update soon.
Jadaerys chapter 13 . 2/4/2018
okay, i know this is not a review but i just saw natalie’s rap 2 and oh, i died! “say something ‘bout the prequels, bitch”! and she was on her queen amidala dress that i wanna cry!

anakin’s courting danger by going to coruscant and idk what’s worse rots anakin or this one
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