Reviews for The Teacher
slyside chapter 11 . 1/14/2018
Guest chapter 7 . 11/16/2013
nee-san. not nii-san.
Night Rain Illusion chapter 31 . 3/21/2007
I had trouble following this, it was way too OC...

Also, if it wasn't all just one sentence per paragraph...that might have made it better...
Chrosis chapter 31 . 3/18/2007
I wasn't expecting that, great job!

Envy kills again!
The Ama chapter 1 . 1/4/2007
Okay how did the military capture envy, wrath, and greed.
crimson1215 chapter 26 . 10/9/2006
kitsuneasika chapter 26 . 10/4/2006
Envy first!
Chrosis chapter 26 . 10/3/2006
Eh, do Envy first. He's a cooler character. And I don't mean fanboyism go Envy!, I mean that his past and personality are just better than Eds.
crimson1215 chapter 25 . 8/25/2006
o.0 man i didn't see that one coming. pleeze update

rochelleechidna chapter 25 . 8/11/2006
*wants to see how Sorrow's plan will turn out... BAD* Write more! It's still really good!
Apricots-from-Nara chapter 24 . 8/1/2006
I'm back. This time about Wrath. Mommy? Where is Sloth? Sloth is Wrath's mommy. And a shock choaker? Envy cold get out of it easly. He could turn into a mouse and get out of it. I'm sorry but this story portrays these Homunculi as weaklings. Your characters would be dead in seconds of meeting them. I'm sure you're doing your best. But for hard core FMA fans to truely injoy this, I sugjest you rewrite this story when you finish. I'm sorry I must sound like a big fat jerk saying this. It is best to include many other characters, you have far to many OC's. I'm sorry if I make you feel badly D:.
Apricots-from-Nara chapter 23 . 7/24/2006
Sorry about the first review. Any way, Greed is horribly OOC. He never would be frightened, because he is the "Ultimate Sheild." He can witstand a great deal of damage, and Ed is realy the only person who managed to get through it. Not even Dante new how to break through it, and she created him. He has nothing and almost no one to fear, realy. And I'm not a huge fan of GreedxOC because, well, he tends to be OOC. And he is OOC. Please, WE NEED GREED TO ACT LIKE GREED! And Envy is a man, but he can become a woman. Thank you.

Apricots-from-Nara chapter 20 . 7/21/2006
Envy is a man. A MAN! GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD! And I don't like how you make Greed so helpless.
Moofy-Fan chapter 23 . 7/16/2006
Cool, I hope Sang's ok. Please update soon please.
hibari-mukuro chapter 23 . 7/15/2006
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