Reviews for Weak
MewMew2 chapter 18 . 7/23/2014
Okay, so I love this story, and the Anne Rice line was brilliant
Kitsu Maxwell chapter 45 . 6/1/2014
I've said it before, I'll say it again... It's always the good ones that go unfinished. v.v Though I won't hold my breath for an update, it has been pure joy for me to read this. I was taken on a bit of a roller coaster and, I must admit, there was at least one chapter that I had trouble just getting through. (I apparently have an issue with exhibitionism. I thought I was going to combust when Danny took Dash to the porch in that chapter!) But more than anything I love how you built Dash and Danny's relationship. The plot and all of the little sub plots were utterly fantastic, but nothing beat a slowly built relationship in my books. You built it so well that it felt fragile yet strong at the same time, and it was oh so precious because of it. Thank you for writing this story, whether you ever manage to finish it or not. At least a few things seem to have been resolved, so I feel ok leaving off here.
Sepulvedlore chapter 45 . 5/27/2014
you will continue this? because i just loved every single word of it. and i want to know how this will end
Sepulvedlore chapter 40 . 5/26/2014
d-dash's uke o.O b-but...he was supposed to top danny Dx danny has all to be ukeeee nyuuuu
Guest chapter 45 . 4/24/2014
Great ending
Fire Wolf Spirit chapter 45 . 4/3/2014
This story was absolutely amazing! I read this whole thing in one day! I just couldn't, wouldn't, even look at any other story until I had read all you had up so far! Its totally awesome and I can't wait to read more!
Geminium chapter 45 . 2/6/2014
A story that takes a somewhat strange premise, but has grown beyond its quirky beginnings to hold its own with the best fanfiction has to offer. I believe that you've truly outdone yourself with this story.

First of all, I appreciate that you try to keep the characters 'in character', exploring and expanding on their roles in the series. It's extremely nice to see how many characters interact with each other so fluidly, instead of focusing on a few specific characters only. Danny's personality, is definitely the best by far; his motivations and fears are truly what drive this story forward. Not to mention the romance...

The plot, while admittedly somewhat shaky during its inception, has progressed quite well. The conflict that arises throughout the story is evenly paced, but always manages to keep the reader on his/her toes and wanting for more. Every idea is so seamlessly woven into the story, and the way you direct the audience's attention is simply ingenious. On the other hand, I must say that the romance, although well-reasoned, is somewhat lacking in build-up and tension. It may be due to your focus upon the larger issues that play throughout the story, but I find that it's a very minor problem.

Speaking of which, I must say that your strongest point throughout this whole fic is your portrayal of the humanity behind the characters, driving them towards their aspirations. It was something I'd never expected from this fic before going into it, but it quickly became my sole focus during the story. I think you did really well to make readers empathise with the characters while addressing important themes such as family, dreams, love and hope. It may be somewhat angsty, but It's never too much so that everyone drowns in it; you always look for that silver lining that keeps the characters pushing forward, and I think is really touching.

This is definitely something I hope you'll update someday. I'm glad that you made such a great fic, and that I got a chance to read it. Personally, I've never been much of a DashxDanny fan, but the life you breathe into the characters is something to behold. I thank you for such a great story! XD
Armadura Fairy chapter 45 . 1/21/2014
All I could say about this chapter is the emotions and how it cleverly demonstrates human frailty in times of disaster and difficulty. Yet the most poignant scene was Danny's shedding of tears, after sorrow cannot be held anymore. Danny's tears symbolizes his humanity and vulnerability as well, yet he continues with life with an indomitable will after setbacks. I cannot express how much I enjoy reading this story chapter by chapter.

Now that I have expressed my opinion, I will patiently await for the posting of the next chapter and the final chapters as well.
Armadura Fairy chapter 44 . 1/21/2014
I am glad how Dash and Danny's relationship is progressing. I just love their dynamic in this riveting fanfiction. This chapter contain so much action and kept me at the edge of my seat. I cannot wait how Dash will make his and Danny's graduation night one to remember. Wil it be Danny's turn to bottom? If so it would be so freaking hot, I just love bottom Danny.
TEAM SasuNaruHina chapter 45 . 7/27/2013
so sad
Eternos137 chapter 8 . 6/13/2013
Hmm... this story just does NOT FAIL to reel me ever so closer into it.
Eternos137 chapter 7 . 6/13/2013
(Notes) Wa- wa- wa- waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Eternos137 chapter 6 . 6/13/2013
Riddle me this INDEED... ... ... ... ... ...
Eternos137 chapter 4 . 6/13/2013
... ... WHO WAS THAT BOY!?
Eternos137 chapter 2 . 6/12/2013
Baxter...? Danny is DOOMED YET!
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