Reviews for Strong Heart
BellaTorrent chapter 1 . 3/4/2019
I was so scared...

I read this fic a couple months back, and I loved it. There are so many themes in this fic that the average person would be too fearful to tackle; and yet you so proudly and successfully do so. Not only do you tie together these deepest bestial parts of humans, but you beautifully wrap it together with a theme analyzing love. I was reading through the comments after finishing this wonderful monstrosity, and I saw so many hate comments. Yes, your work is unconventional, but frankly, the world needs more media like this isn't afraid to tackle the darkest parts of human nature. It was a bit upsetting, but being the chicken that I was, I was too afraid to like/review this.

Fast forward to now, and I remembered this fic. Every so often, I like to re-read the memorable wonders of and I thought I would come back to this.

Except, I couldn't find it.

It is now 3 am, and I have found you once more. Albeit, after a solid hour or two of desperate searching. But during that time, my brain thought the worse: had you removed this fic (it had happened with another one of my favorites)? I was angry at myself for clearing my browsing history, angry at myself for not liking this fic at the time, angry at myself for not reviewing while I had the chance.

I'm not making that mistake twice.

So, after giving myself a near anxiety attack, I would like to personally thank you for writing this fic. Whether you did at as an exercise for yourself to see how messed up of a story you could make or for the sheer shiz and giggles of it, I very much do appreciate it. So, continue to ignore the haters and disrespectful opinions :)
Timaelan chapter 27 . 5/12/2018
This was damn disturbing and dark, I should say somewhat too creepy for my usual taste. I read it all nevertheless thanks to your skill as a writer. You're gifted to hook your reader into your horrific world.

I took the plot as a fable, sort of Faust other way round and I found it really interesting. Yet, I found Mirai's demonstrations about love somehow dramatic and if truth to be told I didn't see the point while having Trunks reliving his own memories was an outstanding idea. You also did a great job in depicting the relationship between Trunks and his father (I also loved the way Trunks kept playing his part with his mother even though he didn't give a damn - it was very questioning at the beginning of the story).

In short, this story is amazing, but I'm not sure I'll have the mind to read your other stories as your work is dark like hell. Keep going on though.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2017
It would have been nice if an AN if not the summary warned of extreme OOCness and amoral characters. That would have allowed me to make the descsion to skip it. This fic is not for everyone and it frustrates me that I wasn't warned.
JetravenEx chapter 26 . 4/19/2016
And that ending just ripped my heart out dang nab it. Just damn it so many feels, sooo many feels.
I picked this story up on a whim, the summary didn't completely 'wow' me but it seemed interesting and I was curious to see the interaction between Mirai and Trunks. (Except it turns out Mirai was a mother freaking ghost! Agh feels, still hurts.)
I have to admit, every instance where Trunks worked to get a 'rise' out of Mirai, I was SOOO desperately hoping to see that come to fruition. The brief scenes were just so hot. Instead Mirai is dead, poop. Not saying its bad how things played but, I would've loved to see them go at it...
Anyways, overall it was a very interesting read. It was dark, and thought provoking. And I must say when Vegeta told Mirai, Trunks had fucked all but two saiyans, Gohan and Goku were the two I assumed would be the LEAST likely. Nope! That was definitely a surprise.
This story didn't pull any punches. Although I do have to echo some of the reviewers thoughts on one thing.
You REALLY didn't need to make the whole 'white girl" goes into 'Hispanic' (or other minority) neighborhood and gets raped. You could've left it at girl got raped by horrible men to no lesser effect. The problem is you are demonizing a group of people and that's wrong. Any race is capable of atrocities, and I HIGHLY recommend you change that bit, to avoid demonizing a group of people.
Other than that I really enjoyed this story. But damn that ending though. Aggghhh
Killer-Sangwoo chapter 26 . 9/17/2015
this story reminds me of the Christmas Carol story.
leneypoo chapter 13 . 7/9/2015
Eh, I don't know about your framing of "pure, innocent" white girl and "savage" hispanics who apparently can't resist their base urges. Should have just left all of that out.
Sakuraus chapter 26 . 6/4/2015
This fic is amazing ,is not for everyone but personally I love it
Guest chapter 1 . 4/20/2015
Already dead...trunks isn't gay!
Guest chapter 24 . 4/29/2014
I love you! Please wright more stories you are one of the best out their and I assure you I have read everything dbz related in the yaoi genre its like my personal obsession and as sad at it is only a hand full of authors have the talent you posses
illogicalshipper chapter 26 . 4/13/2014
I don't even know what to say. It was a total coincidence I ended up in this story and as much as I despite when the characters' personality are out specially this much something keep me passing the pages hungry for more. And ya know, It worth every damn second of it. The things that happened, the /way / they happened... how one can hurt so many just to try not getting hurt. Oh man, Trunks was so fucked up, every situation was so sick, cruel... and yet so real. But, dunno if by my sleeply state due to the many hours straight reading in a cellphone screen, think I didnt got the end. Well there was some point I thought Mirai was some kind if hallucination caused by the drugs but then everyone could see him. Now I can only imagine he somehow spent the time he could use to try saving himself to save Trunks. He didn't want Trunks to end alone like himself, with no one by his side to keep him strong. Ah, I think you made me love Mirai even more. English's not my first lenguage so I just hope it's not so bad. And even if you dont even get to read this so many years late, I want to thank you for writing this masterpiece and thank you for... well, just thank you. Have a good life :-)
spazzy-fangirl chapter 26 . 2/13/2014
so some hate in the review section so i thought i would throw you some love ! i really enjoyed the story! all of it! it totally made me think and i was only grossed out by that dude who like to hurt himself (for give me for skimming threw that lol) i thought the examples of love where really thought out and i was really really heart broken this last chapter tears and all ... lol :D
Miss Spaceship chapter 26 . 11/12/2013
I don't cry to stories easily, but dear lord you ripped my heart out. It was so beautiful though, thank you for sharing this with the world.
VegetasPrincess174 chapter 18 . 8/13/2013
How dare you portray vegeta gay. I'm hurt ! But I'm actually starting to like this fic.
Saber Wing chapter 26 . 8/13/2013
What a fantastic story. It is 4:30 in the morning, and I don't regret a single second I just spent reading it. I don't even have words. The dark themes and issues you have addressed here really hit close to home, for everyone in some respects, I think.

It chills me to the bone that Mirai spent all this time saving Trunks, because in the end, he never took the time to save himself. I suspected something weird was going on when Vegeta took off out of the blue, and I didn't fully understand Mirai's last conversation with Gohan until just now. I don't think I fully realized he was actually dead until those last chapters, and his final moments with Trunks.

VegetasPrincess174 chapter 11 . 8/11/2013
This story is good in a bad way... Ugh I can't stop reading. Never pictured trunks as a nymph
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