Reviews for In Need
TwistedLilBarbie chapter 1 . 7/23/2007
I actually rather liked that ;( poor sevvie. he's too adorable...
Skitty-Kat chapter 1 . 9/11/2006
Oh, that sodding rocks!

Seriously, you've got the characterisation rather beautifully here. There're a lot of fics where Lucius is all caring towards poor Severus (what is it with us ficcers and torturing the poor boy?) but what you've done here is, I think, much more to the true Lucius. The old snake.

Your writing may lack a little grace in places but the dialogue is awesome and perfect. Lucius's responses have just the right amount of bite to them: "well, then I won't give you any".

And the last line made me laugh.

Cheers! A very good fic.
Carol J chapter 1 . 7/22/2006
Oh, that was great! I liked it very very much!
AchillesMonkey chapter 1 . 7/19/2006
Ooh! BigBrother!Lucius and LittleBrother!Severus. Fun.
CoyoteWolf chapter 1 . 6/21/2006
Aw! That's cute! If you ignore the slytherin side of Lucius. Not that it's a bad thing...quite useful actually.


Gothkat chapter 1 . 5/28/2006
aw glad to see that Lucius has a nice side but arent snape and Lucius the same age?
Lt. Gruber's Little Tank chapter 1 . 5/19/2006
Response to the previous review. if you're going to get pedantic, it's not an appartment its a flat LOL!

Love this fic! V funny! Luc Sev forever! You write them dam well.
Katalys - My Death Wish chapter 1 . 5/18/2006
Apartment. APARTMENT? HECK, Lucius is a Malfoy, goddammit, a MALFOY! He should be in Malfoy MANOR!

Besides that, great fic.
Snape's Nightie chapter 1 . 5/17/2006
What a wonderful fic! Ultimately very moving, but laugh-out-loud funny in places too! I could just imagine Severus' puppy dog eyes begging to be allowed to stay with Lucius, not to mention Narcissa's expression on finding her boyfriend in bed with a scruffy little boy.

Please continue! SN x