Reviews for Please Don't Save Me
MelissaMoonlight chapter 1 . 5/5/2016
Thank you so very much! The scene in the movie was way too short and your extension is really beautiful. Beautiful is my favorite word regarding everything dealing with Gackt..*sighs*
0928soubi at chapter 1 . 1/18/2010
I thought he was serious when he said that Kei disgusts him! I was about to freak out. XD Hm, I say he didn't take the blood because he wanted Kei to kiss him... XD Great fic!
Robin Maxwell chapter 1 . 1/28/2009
cute story. well, sad, but cute. that was a sad scene in the movie. gah, i just watched it last night... and i fell in love. i've always loved gackt, now i'm in love with hyde. he was so adorable in that movie, i kind of just wanted to give him a hug. i was very upset when sho married that chick (i liked her, can't spell her name to save me though, but i didn't want them together). i wanted him and kei to be together... ah, only in my dreams and fanfiction. oh well, loved it.

w878tvrfidu7i chapter 1 . 5/24/2008
omg i can't even begin to tell you how much i love this story!

it was one of the first ever fanfics i read, and then i spend ages looking for it again after i made an account so i could add it

well done! you have created such a wonderful fic! and i love you so much for it n.n x
Angels-above chapter 1 . 9/15/2007
Why did they leave this out of the movie? I guees to keep up the suspence for a little longer, and upset us by making us think that Sho is dead lol.

Hmm, just thought I would mention, the japanese words that you are using here are spelt wrong. Well at least their english romanji is spelt wrong.

Its not Iia, its Iie, close! The meaning is right though, basically it means no. A quite abrupt no actually, lol.

The other one is spelt right I believe. Though I can say it, I am sure that is the right spelling!Anywho, great story! Well done!
LatyfeSurLeSora chapter 1 . 8/18/2007
That was just plain awesome!
hikary22 chapter 1 . 7/20/2007
Great imagination! I hope this scene really happened in that movie! So... looks like there's someone else out there who thinks that Gackt *and HYDE as well* are adorable in Moon Child! Yeah.. we're true Gackt's fans!

~Keep writing!~
Hey chapter 1 . 4/22/2007
I'm usually ont into tjhis sorta thing but you write too well for me t hate this. Love the fluff at the end.
IndigoNightandRayneStorm chapter 1 . 4/10/2007
Oh. My. God. I. Love. It. Beautifully written. Amazing job!
IrrelevantObsession chapter 1 . 2/24/2007
Wow! I really liked your story. Moon Child was an awesome movie. Man I would have loved it if they had shown Kei making Sho a vampire...that would be awesome! Also, I love Gackt and Hyde so much. Good job _
Tresa Cho chapter 1 . 2/14/2007
Interesting. It's a bit hard to create fluff out of that moment though, in my little opinion. Just a tiny issue with your prose, try avoiding the passive voice. This phrase in particular: 'having become highly involved with'. That could be phrased a bit better, perhaps by moving it into active voice: 'involved so thoroughly with...' It's less distracting and tightens up the prose. Good job.
Akunen chapter 1 . 1/23/2007
I always cry at that part of the movie. ;-; I'm glad you wrote this, I agree they cut it too short.

Great job.
Keba-kun chapter 1 . 12/29/2006
O...i love this story! It's so sad, but i cant help but love to read it! . If you find the time, please please would you think about writing a sequal cause i would love for you to continue this if you would. ~Ja ne~
Zero Factory chapter 1 . 12/10/2006
*_* This fic is so beautiful...and the ending wins the internet. *favs*

I would fangirl you forever if you make another chapter.
stephalily chapter 1 . 10/17/2006
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